Chapter Five

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No messages. I have received no messages since my fuck up last night. I can not believe I acted like a complete imbecile. I would not blame my soulmate for completely hating me. She probably thinks I'm some playboy or something. Sure I am known to be a lady's man, despite ever having two girlfriends in my time but that has only ever been to fill the emptiness that lives within me. I would do anything to get rid of the emptiness, that sense of loneliness. I would do anything so my soulmate would message me again. I don't even know their name. I sighed while getting out of bed and getting ready for the day. I noticed the chair that I had knocked over last night before placing it back in its place. Sometimes I am glad that I do not have a dormmate. They would really hate me if they were woken up by that chair last night. I frowned while going over to my closet and grabbing an outfit for the day. Today I start with my mandatory English class. I did not mind this English course since there were normally very pretty girls in the class but the only person's attention I wish to have was my soulmate. Why weren't they responding? I brushed off the thought while leaving my dorm and making my way to the familiar class. I went to sit down at the assigned seat I received at the beginning of the semester before I noticed the boy in the pink hoodie walking into class. I normally would not notice when a random student entered the classroom but I could not help but recognize this boy. It was the same one that was being dragged by his blue-haired friend. Goodness, this boy was adorable. I could not explain or understand why he seemed to completely take over all my attention when he entered a room but he did. I could not stop the quickening of my heart and I could not stop staring at the adorable marshmallow peep of a man. I have a soulmate. I should not be reacting like this to some adorable guy. I should try messaging my soulmate again. I pulled up my sleeve while grabbing my pen and composing a new message to them. I really just wish they would reply. 


English class dragged on for hours. When I tell you that I have never been more bored in my entire life, I am not kidding. The teacher dragged on with whatever point they were trying to make and I was bored. I had nobody to speak with. I would typically talk with some girls around the class but today the only person I wish to speak with is my soulmate. Why weren't they answering me? I tried talking to them for the entire class but they never replied. It was awful. I now had a soulmate and I felt even more alone than before. This person was destined to be with me. That should have been a comforting thought but instead, I messed everything up and now they weren't even speaking to me. I felt alone. I always feel alone. After the twelfth message I bothered my soulmate with, I decided to look around the classroom and that's when I noticed that marshmallow peep kept wincing. I could not help but wonder if he was okay. I wished to talk to him. I wish to at least know his name. I sighed before placing my head on the desk and taking a nap for the rest of class. I was ecstatic when the class had finally ended and I could make my way anywhere but in this dreadful classroom. I decided I would go find Evander. I could only assume that he must have skipped his class and found a new girl to occupy his entire time. I swear for a best friend, he's not exactly the best. I quickly searched the halls and the empty classrooms before finding him outside in the courtyard. I smiled while making my way over to him before stopping in my tracks. He was talking to a pretty girl. A nice girl, a girl dressed properly. What was going on? I had expected to see Evander with a girl of course but not a girl like this. This was a girl who would be the first one in class, this was a girl who would submit her assignment within the first few hours. I decided to watch my best friend and this girl for a few moments. I have never seen Evander act this way toward another person. He was gentle with the girl, he was kind. He was keeping his distance and he was smiling gently at her. My eyes widened at the realization. This was Evander's soulmate! I watched as the girl giggled at something my best friend must have said before she kissed his cheek and walked away with a smile on her face. I blinked when I saw the red cheeks and the goofy smile that lay on Evanders face. I smirked while walking over to him.

"Your soulmate is really cute," I told him once I arrived at his bench and the boy's eyes widened once he noticed I was there. 

"I may have been wrong yesterday when I said soulmates were fairytales," He said while nervously rubbing the back of his neck and I chuckled while sitting next to him. 

"I told you. How did you find her?" I asked him because I was really curious. My soulmate won't even talk to me and since Evander did not believe in the whole soulmate feeling your pain thing, there must have been another way he found her. The boy looked at me with a wide grin. 

"We felt each other's emotion! Hear me out because it sounds crazy but I was walking in the courtyard after class when suddenly I felt panicked. I had that feeling that my sister has described many times when she's stressing over a big exam and I was utterly confused. I never stress about an exam, I haven't even started my assignment for tomorrow but this feeling came over me. I looked around the courtyard and that's when I noticed the girl with piles of papers all around her but she looked insanely calm. She felt how I normally feel. We looked at each other at the same time and we just laughed. Dude, I found my soulmate! Dude I have a soulmate, this is crazy" He explained and I could not help but smile at him. Evander's soulmate was his complete opposite, his other half. The boy was smitten. 

"Your soulmate is your complete opposite Evander, do you think that's how all soulmates are?" I asked him and he shrugged. 

"How should I know? You were the one who believed in soulmates first, you should be the expert. All I know is that I have a study date with Echo tomorrow" He said with a giant grin and I could not keep in the laugh that proceed it. Evander is going to study tomorrow. The world must be ending. I was about to reply when suddenly I felt the familiar sting in my arm and this giant smile broke out on my lips. My soulmate was writing back! 

'We are destined to be with each other. The universe chose this but would you choose me if the universe didn't do it?' The message read and I could not help but be stunned. What did they mean by this? 

Evander finding his soulmate might be my favorite soulmate discovery. Sure when Ky and Jayce finally get together, it will be the moment everyone was waiting for but Evander and Echo are my second favorite couple. Echo is your typical schoolgirl. She's early for classes, she studies for a big test and she's not the type of girl Evander usually spends his time with. They are the perfect match of opposites attract. They balance each other out and they are exactly what the other person needs. That's what being soulmates mean. Also, Ky seems really obsessed with this pink hoodied boy. I wonder why? I also wonder how Ky will react to his soulmate's recent message. 


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