Chapter Sixteen

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It had now been a few months since Ky and I had become official and things were amazing. We weren't perfect but we were perfect together. Things were amazing between all of us. Saori and Hak-Kun were adorable as I had always thought while Ky's friends Evander and Echo were actually super cute together. We had all found our other half and everything was perfect. We had all become a group. We would spend our day in the library and talk about random topics and simply spend time with each other. It was nice. We had found our new normal and we were enjoying our time in school. Today was different though. Today was spring break. Today was the day Ky and I were dreading. Today was the day we had been preparing for. It was spring break which meant that we were all going to head home. Normally that wouldn't matter much, I enjoy going back home but this time around Ky had decided that he was ready. He was ready to tell his parents about us. I was incredibly happy that he was ready to tell his parents but we both knew what this meant. Ky had been scared to tell his parents. It was something he told me early on in our relationship. He had told me about the hidden sexuality before we even meant so I knew what I was getting myself into. Ky was fragile. He had to deal with a lot and since he had been hiding his sexuality this entire time, his parents did not know that he was interested in guys. Ky did not want to tell them, well he wanted to tell them. He would tell the entire world if he could but he was afraid. His parents were not accepting. There was a reason why he had hidden this part for so long, it was because of how his parents handled his sister. I knew when I woke up this morning that it was going to be a very long and hard day. I quickly got ready for the day before taking my suitcase and making my way to the familiar dorm of my boyfriend. I knocked at the door and waited a few minutes before the incredibly nervous-looking boy opened the door. 

"I think this is a mistake. We should have accepted your parent's invitation instead of going to mine. This is a terrible idea. Why did I agree to this? Why did I think I could do this?" Ky started ranting and pacing the floor nervously and I quickly closed the door before rushing over to him. I grabbed his hands gently while trying to pull him out of this state. 

"Ky, breathe. It is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. We are in this together. Remember what I said about you being brave? You got this and I will be with you the entire time. If they say or do anything we will leave okay?" I spoke softly while trying to pull him back to reality. Ky seemed to relax at my words and stared into my eyes. 

"What if they yell at us? What if they kick us out? What if they become violent? When things happened with my sister, it was bad Jayce" He said nervously and I kissed his cheek to calm him down. This was serious. Ky doesn't call me Jayce. The absence of the word darling hit me harder than I thought it would. 

"Baby, everything will be fine. We will go there, try to have a lovely time and if anything goes south, we will leave. I promise you we will be fine" I reassured him once again and Ky seemed to calm down. I smiled gently at him before Ky started to lean in and eventually gently locked his lips with mine. My eyes widened before I completely melted into the feeling and wrapped my arms around his neck, gently playing with his hair. Ky was kissing me, we were actually kissing! We hadn't actually kissed this entire time. We have kissed each other's cheeks and hands and even his nose once but we have never locked lips. This was an amazing feeling. This was the best feeling. Ky eventually pulled away after a few moments and looked at me with this nervous look. I instantly grinned at him and he smiled gently in return. 

"We have never done that before" I stated my observation and Ky chuckled. 

"I really wanted to kiss you. You are just incredible and you know exactly what to say to calm me down and I just really wished to kiss you" He explained with this soft look on his face and I pecked his lips once again as a response. 

"I am your soulmate after all," I told him cockily and he chuckled before this look of mischief crossed his eyes. My eyes widened and I quickly rushed away from him. Ky grinned before running after me. He was coming to tickle me and I was not letting him win. I rushed out of the room while giggling. 


We arrived at the house. It was a nice house. It was a decent-sized family home with grey textured walls and a brick foundation with white accents from the fence and pathway. The house was terrain with small plants around the front and side and all the windows were matched with black shutters. It was a nice home. It was a home you could tell was bought by a more wealthy couple, one that in this case held a lot of secrets. I did not know much about the Reeds. I knew what Ky told me. I knew that Mrs. Reed cared about others' opinions. She had created this life to please others. In their eyes she was perfect. I knew that she would smile at you and make nice and that her opinion seemed to matter the most in her friend group. I also knew that she was the worst one when it came to Ky's sister. I knew she would be our biggest problem. Mr. Reed on the other hand was more gentle. He did not have much of an opinion on his life. Mrs. Reed took care of that. He was simply the hard-working husband. He would do anything to make his family happy. Ky has told me that his father still reached out to Lexi from time to time and has helped her with anything she needed. Mr. Reed will hopefully be on our side with this. Ky and I left the car that we had ordered to take us to his childhood home and I quickly squeezed his hand to reassure him. He looked down at me and smiled nervously. 

"Are you sure about this Darling?" He asked me nervously and I smiled gently before pecking his cheek. 

"You got this, we got this. You can do this" I reassure him and Ky smiled gently before picking up our bags and pulling me toward the house. Time to face the Reeds. 


The door opened a few moments after Ky nervously knocked on it and we were met with Mrs. Reed looking at us. The woman smiled when she saw her son standing there before noticing me and smiling politely. I stared at the woman in front of me for a few moments. She was more beautiful than I thought she would be. I could see how everyone seems to trust her. She had a nice smile, and beautiful yet piercing green eyes. Ky definitely got his hair from his mother. I could recognize that fluffy brown hair anywhere. I could not help but stare into her piercing eyes, they were green which confused me. Ky does not have green eyes and neither does Lexi. I could only assume they got their eyes from their father. I decided this piece of information did not matter and decided to stay focused on the task. 

"Kyrie you're home!" She exclaimed while letting us into the house and I looked up at Ky. Kyrie. That must be his full name! Ky looked down at me before looking away and getting into the house. 

"Remington, our son is home and he brought a friend" The woman yelled for her husband and I could not help but cringe at the word friend. I believe Ky could understand how I was feeling because he discreetly squeezed my hand while his mother was looking in the direction his father would be coming from. The tall friendly-looking man walked into the room and I swear I think he noticed the hand holding because he looked right at me and smiled, I could see something in his eyes. Mr. Reed walked over to me and extended his hand. I smiled and took his hand in mine. 

"It's is very nice to meet you Mr. Reed," I told him while shaking his hand and the man smiled. 

"Please call me Remy," He said gently and my grin widened. I knew Mr. Reed would be much more friendlier than his wife but I did not expect how nice this would feel. I looked back toward Ky who was smiling. He was happy with how this went. I had told him that his father would be fine and he is. Maybe this won't be as bad. 

Chapter Sixteen and I have decided that I love this story so much that instead of ending it when Ky and Jayce get together, I brought them to Ky's parents. Now I will not explain what happened with Lexie and all the drama because it will happen in the next chapters. I will not spoil anything but I can say that I created family drama. This and last book with the twenty-year family secret of Owen's, I simply love family drama and secrets. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and this very interesting plot twist. Also Jayce says he won't focus on the green eyes but I will tell you right now, it's probably the most important thing in this entire chapter, you will see why soon. 


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