Chapter Ten

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I could not believe I did this. I could not believe the confidence I had last night. How could I have told Ky about my name? Why did I tell him it started with a J? I can not believe I did this. I'm so fucked. Ky is going to come looking for me this morning. I knew that much. He knows my name is Jayce and he knows his soulmate's first letter. It was not hard to put the pieces together. I am so fucked. I quickly rushed out of my dorm and made my way to the library in a panic. I need to talk with Hak-Kun and Saori. I need to tell them what happened. What am I going to do? I do not want Ky to know that I am his soulmate. We just met yesterday and he thinks of me as the adorable marshmallow peep he saw in class, how can I just shatter that image like this? Would he even want me as his soulmate? He deserved the world and I am not it. Goodness, my head hurts from all this. I arrived at the library and rushed over to what I can only assume is now our regular table and quickly saw the vibrant blue-haired boy and the bubblegum pink-haired girl talking with each other. I hate to interrupt them but I have drama and I need to vent. The duo saw me and smiled at me before distancing themselves a bit. Did I hopefully interrupt something? Was there something to even interrupt? 

"I told him my name" I blurted out before I could even think which caused them both to raise their eyebrow. I sighed while trying to calm myself down and sat on the chair in front of me. 

"I told Ky that my name started with a J and now I'm completely fucked. He's probably already on his way here to ask me if I am his soulmate" I tried to explain the best I could while catching my breath. I had not realized how fast I had run here. I looked at their expressions carefully. I noticed that Hak-Kun was absolutely confused. 

"Why would he be coming here? He doesn't know it's you, he doesn't even know who you are right?" He asked and I sighed. I had forgotten that they did not know about my meeting with Ky in the halls yesterday. They did not know that Ky now knows who I am. 

"I ran into Ky after I left the library yesterday. We ran into each other and were blasted onto our butts. I introduced myself as Jayce and now he knows his soulmate's name starts with a J. How could I have been so stupid?" I explained to the duo before noticing Saori's eyes lit up. 

"You said you were jolted by electricity? Could you feel the electricity?" The pink-haired girl asked me and I looked at her. 

"Yeah, I was walking, and then boom I felt like I was being shocked but not a bad shock, an exciting one" I explained and her smile grew while she took out the book and showed me. 

"When you run into your soulmate, like physically run into them, it emits an electrical shock" She explained while showing me the page in the book and I smiled slightly before my eyes widened. Does Ky know about this? There is no way he does right? He would have told me. He definitely felt the shock but he does not know that means we are soulmates. There is no way. 

"Hold up, you ran into your soulmate and didn't tell me until now?!" Hak-Kun exclaimed suddenly like he just now understood what I said and I shook my head with a tiny smile. 

"Yeah, I would have told you but you never came back to the dorm last night. Anyways what am I supposed to do?" I stated with an exasperated sigh. I completely fucked this up. I placed my face on the table and closed my eyes. What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to tell him that I am his soulmate? How am I supposed to face him now? 

"You'll figure this out Jayce" Hak-Kun said while patting my shoulder and I looked up at him with a gentle smile. I am glad that he has so much faith in me because I do not. I went back to the table before I suddenly heard fast footsteps and looked up at my two friends who were looking towards the door with weary looks. Ky was here wasn't he? I looked up from the table and saw the frantically smiling boy coming towards us. 

"My soulmate told me his name!" He exclaimed suddenly and I could not miss the look Hak-Kun gave me. I looked back at Ky and smiled nicely. This was what I was afraid of but I knew this was coming. 

"Really? That's amazing!" I exclaimed happily while trying to mask everything else I was feeling deep inside. I knew the question was coming. I knew he was going to ask and I was not ready. What was I going to do? 

"Yeah! He said his name started with a J so I have to ask. Are you my soulmate?" There was the question. There was the one thing I was afraid of. I couldn't tell him. I could not do that to him. I decided that I was going to shut this down. I looked at Ky with a sympathetic look and his expression faltered. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Ky. I really do hope you find your soulmate" I told him as calmly as I could. I basically told him I was not his soulmate without actually saying those words. I hope he understood what I was saying. Ky's expression seemed to falter momentarily and my heart sank before he smile. Was he disappointed? Did he wish it was me? No there was no way. He was probably just disappointed that he did not find his soulmate yet. Yeah, that was probably it. 

"That's cool! I really hope I can find him" He said casually and I smiled at him before looking at the pair behind me. I knew what Hak-Kun was thinking at this moment. He was wondering why I had just lied to my soulmate. Goodness, this is going to be a long day. 

Chapter Ten and I gotta be honest, Jayce's reasoning is not the best. Like come on man, you could have told Ky. He obviously wants to be with you. Anyways, I wonder what will happen next. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. 


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