Chapter Three

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"Told you I would beat your ass Ky. You can't beat the football star after all" The annoying blonde man said while extending his hand for me to take. I groaned while standing up and dusting myself off. I looked over my sore body before frowning. The bruises were already starting to form on my arms. Stupid Gideon and his stupid cocky blonde ass. Why did I ever agree to play soccer with this man? I looked down at my newly blue arm before sighing. I feel bad for my soulmate. She's probably constantly dealing with what I put my body through. I do feel bad for her. Having a soulmate like me is probably not fun. I sighed once again while walking away from my soccer partner after bidding him goodbye. Today has been a long day and I wish to lie down for a few. I walked back to the college entrance and I feel the same emptiness that I always felt. Maybe something is wrong with me? Why can I not ever feel satisfied for more than a few minutes? Why can't I ever feel pleasure when I'm doing something I am supposed to enjoy?  Maybe it is the knowledge of feeling like I am missing something. Maybe it was my soulmate? I knew they existed. I heard stories upon stories of people finding their soulmates. My father used to rave about how my mother was his soulmate. He remembers locking eyes with her and everything making sense. The color was brought back to the world when he saw her all those years ago. I wish to have that. I wish to meet my soulmate. I want someone to truly see me for more than the rich, handsome boy I am preserved to be. Someone to completely understand me without needing to speak my mind. I want to meet my other half. I really hope she's also hot or even cute because a cute soulmate is my biggest wish. I just want to meet my soulmate. I arrived at my private dorm before I slumped down on my bed. I stared at my pitiful reflection in the mirror for a few moments before the door to my dorm room opened aggressively and I noticed the familiar brown hair of the coolest guy I know and my best friend since senior year of high school, Evander. The boy wore a giant grin and a cocky smile while walking over to me. 

"Dude you were so right about the Bardot twins. Those girls are wild! You should have heard the older one. How was football with Gideon? Did you beat him? Did you? Did you? Huh? Huh? I bet you beat his ass" Evander asked me while punching my arm repeatedly. I winced at the pain before shoving him off me. Evander grunted when he landed on the floor. My arm already hurt from landing on it and now his punching it is not helping. 

"Dude that was uncalled for" He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. I pulled up my sleeve and noticed the slowly forming bruise where he had just punched me. I really feel bad for my soulmate. 

"You deserve the floor. You caused a bruise, Evan. Now my soulmate will be in pain" I exclaimed angrily while standing off the bed. I was mad. I would never want to do anything to cause my soulmate harm. She doesn't deserve that. 

"Hold on, you believe in that soulmate shit. Dude, are you for real? That's just a story parents tell their kids to make them feel better" Evander explained with a skeptical look and I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks. I knew that believing in soulmates was a crazy thing. I know that it's probably just a story parents tell their kids but it's something I believe in. If we don't have someone we are destined to be with then what is the point of life? How are we supposed to fall in love if finding someone is impossible? I really do hope soulmates exist. 

"Pff Nah I'm just pulling your leg. Hey, I'm going to head to the library. I got some homework to finish" I stated while gently slapping his shoulder before escorting him out of my dorm. Evander made a face when I told him about studying but let me go anyways. We left my dorm together before separating in the hall. Time to hit the library. 


I arrived at the grand college library while watching all the students rush around looking for books. It was assignment week meaning all the students were frantically looking for books. This was my favorite week. I love the library. It wasn't something that was public knowledge to everyone since I'm known as a more 'popular and cool' guy but I love to learn. I love sitting in this comfortable room with all the other people around me. It feels like I am not alone. I shrugged off the thought and made my way to a table in the corner of the room. I quickly took out my books before my attention was pulled toward the entrance of the library. I couldn't help but stare at the two boys who walked into the room. The first one didn't really catch my attention except for the fact that he was pulling the shorter one against his will into the library. My attention was placed solely on the shorter brunette boy. He was stunning. I could not understand this feeling. The boy was cute, that much was true. He was sporting a grey jacket while carrying a skateboard and of course, being dragged by his blue-haired friend. I watched as they quickly looked around the room before spotting a pink-haired girl at the back of the library. They walked over before sitting down and talking about a topic that I could not hear. I looked away after a few minutes of staring and went back to my books. That boy was cute. I wonder who he is? 


It was now much later in the day. It was night, to be honest. I was lying in bed trying to sleep but sleep would not come. I couldn't stop thinking about the cutie in the library. I have never found a guy cute before. Sure back in middle school, I did have little crushes on boys but it never went anywhere. It was considered strange back then so I just went after girls. I even got my first girlfriend back then. I sighed while rolling over in my bed and looking out the window. Why can't my brain ever shut up and let me sleep? Who cares about that brown-haired cutie? I'm probably never going to see him again and why should that even matter? I have a soulmate out there. I should be focusing my nights on her and not this random guy. I grabbed my pillow and fluffed it before I suddenly felt a sting on my arm. My eyes widened before I looked down at my arm. There was a butterfly on my arm. My soulmate was reaching out to me! Soulmates do exist! I was right. I quickly scrambled out of my bed and rushed over to my desk to grab a pen. I knocked over the chair in the process but I grabbed the first pen I could and thought about how I would reply. This was my soulmate, I didn't wish to fuck this up. I fuck everything up and I can't afford to screw this up. I sat there thinking about how to reply to this very amazingly drawn butterfly that she drew before lighting up at the idea. I could draw a flower! I quickly drew a very nice-looking flower before impatiently waiting for a reply. I started to freak out. What if she was only drawing for fun because she was bored? Would I scare her off with this flower? Did she know about us being soulmates? Oh, goodness did I fuck up? I decided I would play this cool and write words instead of just a flower. 

'You draw a very pretty butterfly, soulmate :)' I wrote on my arm and then waited for a reply. I really hope I didn't scare her off. I waited a few more moments before gasping when she wrote something on the arm. 

'Are you also freaking out? This is crazy, this is real right?' I saw the message and couldn't help the grin that graced my lips. She was freaking out. She was excited about this. This was good. I could not believe I was talking to my actual soulmate! This was wild. 

'I don't freak out, especially not around cuties like yourself. I can assure you that this is real' I wrote back. I decided I would try to compliment her. I wanted to make her feel like I was approachable. I wanted to ease her worries. Plus she was probably a cutie. 

'How would you know if I'm a cutie?' She wrote and I smiled. I bet she was cute. I bet she was absolutely adorable. I could just imagine her sitting in her room reading her arm with a cute little blush on her face. I bet she had the prettiest eyes and the softest skin. She probably smelled of lavender or some other flowery smell. Goodness, I wish I could meet her. 

'I bet I made you blush at my words. I bet you're sitting there completely falling in love with me, wishing I was there' I wrote without really thinking about how she would react. I didn't expect how she would react. 

'I'm going to head to bed, bye whatever your name is' I saw the words appear on my arm and I knew I fucked up. Damn it,! Why does this always happen to me? I just scared her off. Why am I so stupid? I quickly grabbed the pen and started to apologize for my stupid big mouth. I really hope she doesn't hate me now. 

'I'm sorry, I get nervous when I'm talking to pretty girls. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. My name is Ky by the way' I scrambled to write on my arm and then waited for a while. I frowned and sighed once I realized that she wasn't going to respond. She most likely went to bed and will never talk to me again. I can't believe I fucked this up. I'm so stupid. 

Chapter Three in Ky's POV like I promised. I really do love having the different povs especially from the same events. So now we know where the bruises on Jayce's arms came from, the soccer game and Evander hitting his shoulder. We also get to learn that Ky isn't the playboy Jayce believes he is. We can also see that Ky believes his soulmate is a girl, not because he's 100% straight but because liking a guy was considered bad when he was growing up. We'll get more into that later. I wonder what will happen now? Will Ky be able to fix things with his soulmate? 


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