He just happened and I never saw him coming.

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I never saw him coming,
He just happened
And I didn't even get the chance to process what was about to happen to me after him.
I lost the game,
I lost myself,
I lost him.
I became the enemy,
I grew angry,
I distrusted my own shadow.
I slurred happiness as if it was something damned and made of by people who never had suffered any kind of loss.
I was tired of having something in my hands, then for god's sake they were taken from them.
I disbelieved everything I built for ages in my little bird cage. I locked myself after he left.
Two months were not enough to grow strong enough
And disgusted every single detail and wolves.
Well, I'm still in love.
Wish that never happened to me.
But unfortunately,
He just happened
And I never saw him coming.

entre lobosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora