Before I met you...

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Before I met you,
I only knew:
And buried axes
In the depth of flawless.

Before I met you;
My faith was broken,
Wounds were opened,
My beliefs were stolen,
Crumbled and frozen.

I did not recognize my own-self.
I did not see my reflection.
The sun burned my credibility
And the moon hugged me in protection.
I'm sure I'm never going to meet what someone right feels.
I'm damn sure I'm haunted by these goofy ghosts I tripped.

Before I met you;
I only knew:
The bad in world,
The disbelief of goodness,
I slurred happiness
And cursed myself
For every pebble I polished.

"One day at a time"
On your biography profile.
Peremptory, antithetical geek boy.
Said your melodious voice.
Did you decode me by only staring at my eyes?

Before I met you;
I never wanted to trust,
I was always in a rush.
Before I met you;
I never ever blushed
But after that,
I only do that.

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