Part : 7 (New Problem)

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Next day at Teju's home:

"Teju, wake up... its getting late for your office" Teju's dad said to her.

"Dad, please five minutes mooo" she said in a sleepy tone🥱

"No more five minutes....get up Teju,its almost 9 o' will be late and your boss will be angry" TD(Teju's Dad) said

"9 o'clock!! oh god! I'm late.."she said getting up from the bed and making herself run towards the washroom.

At Karan's home

"Mom where 's my shirt???its not in the wardrobe" Karan asked his mom while taking one by one of his shirts and throwing them on his bed making his room dirty,
"Check must be there!!!" his mom said calmly😌

"Oh!! I found it!" he shouted as he got his favourite blue shirt 👕

"Wait!!..... I'm getting ready here...
What if 'Ms Prakash' have reached already there...oh no!

Last time I shouted at her for coming late...this time she will laugh at me..No!! It must not happen...hey!!
Why shouldn't I call to the office and asked!!
Yeah!! Good idea!!!
"I know I'm intelligent" Karan thought while putting his shirt comfortably in his body!

"Hello! I want to ask that Is Ms Prakash present in the office..I mean...did she come??..." Karan said to his assistant holding the phone.

"No sir, she has called us and said that she won't be able to come..Today!" Karan's assistant said making him Worried 😟

"O-okay!thank you!" Karan said and cut off the call!

Karn sat in his bed and started thinking about her!
'Why she will not come?'
'Is her dad not well'
'She 's lying because she is almost late' 🤨
At Hospital

"Dad..are u okay now??please have your medicines" Teju said to her dad giving him medicines with a glass of water.

"Teju,we can leave for home now..i'm totally fit and fine" her dad said.

"I know dad...u want to go to home but doctors are not allowing you to do so" Teju said convincing her dad.

"Teju, what happened to me??why aren't they allowing me to go home?? Teju say me clearly!" her dad asked her impatiently.

"Nothing happened was just because of dizziness..that's why they said to stay here for atleast two days and then you'll be absolutely fine" Teju said controlling her tears🥺

"Okay!!" her dad spoke softly in a convincing way.

And then there was a call from the doctor.

"Yes doctor! you called me!! what happened?? everything is alright na!" Teju asked in one breathe in a tensed tone.

"No Teju... your dad is suffering from cardiac arrest...he is in the critical stage... that's why he lost his consciousness most of the time" doctor said making her fell silent...

"Teju...we will try our best to save your dad...but.." doctor keep quite for some moment and spoke up again..
"We need to discuss it with the higher doctors who are coming from U.S.A!! Mr. Prakash doesn't have much time now"

"Is there any way of saving him doctor?" Teju asked immediately...

"We'll try to do's all on god...just pray to him..i'm sure he'll listen to your prayers.." A doctor left the room after saying this...

Teju sat there silently and started to wipe up her tears🥺

Anddd Here Is My New Story Cover:

Thank Youu @Jasmin7358  For This Beautiful Story Cover 🤗❤️

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Thank Youu @Jasmin7358 For This Beautiful Story Cover 🤗❤️

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~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

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