Part: 27 (The Kiss)

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"Oh my god!!! What have you done to my poor Sunny, Teju?? Look at his face! Aww! So cute!!! Come to mamma baby!!" He made a stupid baby voice! Rascal!

"Shu--" I was cut off by a voice.

"What I did?? Is there something being talking about me???" I heard Teju's voice from the background!

Not Now !!! Please... Shittttt!!!
Did she heard everything???

Teju's POV

"Did you said something about me?" I asked.

They both looked at me as If they saw a ghost like seriously, what were they talking anyways? I cleared my throat to gain their attention.

"About you...uh..huh..why will..we talk about you?" Karan replied.

"But I heard my name!" I argued back.

" asked me about this project" Karan said.

'Anyways,'s already time...I will take a nap you guys continue!" This time Prince said while smirking! What's with his smirking now?

"Okay...bye, good night" I replied with a smile.

"Bye.. Teju, Sunny..good night" he replied back and went.

"Um.. it's time we should go for sleep too" Karan suggested.

"Yah..good night"I said and quickly went out of the room.

After entering my room, I changed myself into my night dress and went to sleep. I miss you bed so much!! Manh!! This feels so good right now my eyes closed immediately once my back touches the bed.

But few minutes later I heard a knock on my door! Who the fuck is there now? Ugh! I'm tired please!!! At first I ignored the knock but when it didn't stop; cursing, I hoped out of the bed to check only to reveal Karan standing there with hands tucked in his pockets! Did I say how hot he looks right now with messy hair!?

"Um..may I come in?" He asked making me to come out of my stare.

"Uh..yah..sure" I gestured him inside.

Once in, he sat on my bed and smiled, saying "I hope you like this room..I just wanted to ask you know."

"Ofcourse I like's amazing!" I replied with a smile.

"Uhm..can..uh..can I ask you something?" He sounded nervous.

"Okay.. what's that?" I became curious now.

"Why are you behaving like this?" He asked being serious.

"Behaving like this..what do you mean?" I tried to clarify.

" this..the way we are talking..I mean..only as boss and employee..why do I feel like you are trying to avoid me? I know we started with arguments and all but later turned friends right! So why are we back to square one now?" He sounded serious.

I didn't know what to reply...what should I tell him?

After almost few minutes of fidgeting with my fingers, I finally decided to speak... " have done enough for me! From paying my dad's hospital bills to even allowing me to work from are just too good to me..and I am not used to this goodness much!
I can manage my own problems by don't need to worry about them...and about's better if we stay away from each other because I don't wanna gain sympathy from you and use your money in the name of friendship!"

"You aren't using me me! I myself wanted to help you..I am not giving you any sympathy or something! I know you are an independent woman you can take care of yourself and your dad..but I just wanted to help!" He paused and looked at me.

"You aren't understanding this...this friendship I don't wanna have anymore..why don't you understand! Look I am getting married and my would be fiance will not be happy seeing my friendship with my boss to this extent that he pays my dad's hospital bills, takes me for lunch and all, even come over to the hospital lying to his parents just only to look after me! I don't like this...I don't want this..please..I don't wanna hear some lame rumours about us now!" I sounded aggressive.

He thought for sometime and nodded, leaving the room without saying anything, closing the door behind! He didn't want to speak anything? Did he just mean to nod without a single word?

I don't know why but I felt disappointed and guilty because somewhere I was the reason of all these..I got to know about all his lying and all when his mom came to the hospital after he left! Seriously! He did that? I can't believe this!

I know he might have felt sad or angry right now but he needs go understand that we are different from each other.
I don't want this friendship to go somewhere else.I don't want to feel anything about him.Yes maybe I am attracted towards him but that doesn't mean that I can be with him so it's better to stay away before it gets out of place!

I was thinking all these when the door of my room flicked open once again and I was dragged into a hard chest! Uh! Who's these?? I looked at the face of the person to see Karan with his former clothes staring at me with his brown orbs.
I tried to pull away when his hands on my waist got tightened and he squeezed my butt.
I stood there in shock he gripped my neck and leaned to my height, pressing his lips on mine he bited my lip and I gasped in response allowing him to enter my mouth taking the opportunity he plunged his tongue into my mouth and explored it..I can smell his cologne now! His gripped on me tightened more than before as he deepened the kiss he pulled me closer in that way that my breasts are touching his chest!

Getting out of breathe I tried to pull away and succeeded in doing so.I panted heavily and looked at him in shock, unable to make any further move or thought!

He connected our foreheads and cupped my face saying "Never try to run away from me princess by giving these lame excuses and about the rumours and your fiance, I don't fucking care!"

After this he left the room I just stood stunned trying to calm down myself and unable to believe anything that happened just now! He kiss...kissed me???? He fucking kissed me???? My boss kissed me??? I mean KARAN KUNDRRA, the fucking khadoos bastard just kissed me?? He fucking took my first kiss away from me?? How dare he??

After all this the only question that kept striking my mind with my heart thumping up and down was 'why????'




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