Part: 67(Karan to rescue Teju)

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Hey Guysss!!!!
This chapter includes some torture and Violence.
If you are ok with it then only read!!!
Please guys show some love!!


I am still trying to find her, I was thinking of ways to find her when I got a call it was from Shreya I don't know why is she calling me from the past 3 days I'm not in the state to talk to anyone all I want is Teju. I decided to pick up....

"Hello!" I said.

Shreya: Hello Karan you found anything about Teju??

Karan: No but I'm still trying!!

Shreya: Karan see I don't think you'll find her I mean it has been 1 week we don't know if she is alive or no..!

Karan: What do you mean by alive or no I know she is alive ok you just shut your bloody mouth!!

And I declined.
What the fuck is she saying? I know she is alive I only need to find her.

Now again my phone rang it was Baba I picked up....

"Hello Baba!" I said.

Baba: Hello beta you found out anything about Teju??

Karan: No baba but I'm trying my best!

Baba: Hmm!

Karan: Baba I think I lost her, I couldn't be a good husband I couldn't protect her I'm useless!.

Baba: No beta don't lose hope in God!

Karan: Which God Baba, which God that God who is planning to steal Teju my love from me??

Baba: No Karan see don't lose hope in yourself you can do it!!! You will find her, you will have to find her. Think about her wherever she'll be, she will be waiting for you to come and save her!

Karan: Hmm!

Baba: Ok bye now take care of yourself!

Karan: Bye!!!

It's been 1 week, I don't know where is she. I don't know if she has eaten or not. I'm trying every possible thing to find her but there is no clue where she is. I have failed as an husband. I'm just useless and I banged my fist on the wall. It started bleeding I smiled looking at it, today if Laddoo was there she would've come running and put first aid on it. But I lost her a tear rolled down my cheek I couldn't take it anymore. I looked at her photo in my mobile she was smiling looking so beautiful.

I'm not capable of doing anything and my phone rang it was Police Officer Arjun "Hello Sir!!"

Karan: Arjun is this the time to call anyone it's 3:00 am!

Arjun: Sorry sir but I think we found ma'am!

Karan: What? How and when?

Arjun: Sir I'm not sure but I think so!

Karan: Ok tell me what you found!

Arjun: Sir a phone has been switched on on the outskirts of the city!

Karan: So how is it related to her?

Arjun: Sir this phone number was switched off on the day ma'am went missing so we may find a clue from the person whom this phone belongs to!

Karan: What really if it is so I'm ready!

Arjun: Yes sir!

Karan: Come on hurry up we'll leave now!

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