Part:78(Date Night in Maldives)

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Hellooo Everyone!!!
Last chapters response is not so good!!
Please likes kr diya kroo yaar!!!
Happy Reading ❤️


The Next Day

I woke up and saw Teju still sleeping. I decided to wake her up I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Good morning Laddoo!" I said.

She made a little bit of movement and slowly opened her eyes.

"Morning, but wait when did I come here?" She asked.

Karan: Umm you felt asleep on the beach I got you here!

Teju: Oh thank you!

Karan: No give me a kiss!

"Ok!" She kissed my cheeks.

Karan: So what's today's plan?

Teju: Umm we'll swim little and then go cycling because we have done almost everything!!

Karan: Yeahh!!!

Teju: Ok then let's change!

I wore my shorts and went in our pool. She came out wearing a blue and orange swimsuit. She came in the pool.

"Karan our breakfast?" She asked.

Karan: Umm we'll have floating breakfast!

Teju: What?

Karan: Yeah see here It comes!

The workers came with a tray with breakfast and kept it in the pool, it floated and came to us.

"It feels so good!" She said.

Karan: Yeah I'm starving let's start!

Teju: Yeah!


And we started having breakfast. We spent sometime swimming and splashing water on eachother. Later we changed our clothes I wore a floral sleevless top and shorts.

I was waiting for Karan to come out and here he came finally. But....OMG he's looking so hot. He's wearing a grey colour tank with shorts. His biceps perfectly bulging out of it. I'm dead 🔥

He came near me and asked..

Karan: This looks good right?

Teju: Wh..what?

Karan: I asked this looks good right?

Teju: No it looks!

Karan: Looks?

And I pushed him on a nearby wall with my hands on his chest.

"Woah what's this!" He exclaimed

Teju: You are looking hot!

"Oh really?" He turned me now he I was pressed against the wall.

"Yeah" I put my arms around his neck.

Karan: So are you!

Teju: But this is a cute outfit not a hot one!

Karan: Whatever it is!

Teju: But I'm getting a feeling of!

Karan: Of?

Teju: This!

And without any warning I crashed my lips on his. I saw that little smirk on his face in no time he pulled me close and slid his hand inside my t-shirt. That's when I realised we have lots of work to do!!!

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