Part: 12 (Staying At Hospital-2)

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Teju's POV

I don't know why dad is allowing this “Mr Khadoos” to stay here! I just... don't like him! Huh! And fuck! I have to go for work tomorrow! Ugh! I was trying to give some excuse while this man interrupted in between and spoiled everything "I can pick you and drop you here" she said mimicking Karan.
The most horrible is that he is staying here tonight! Ghosh! Tomorrow I'm gonna sit in his car!! And among this the most terrible, horrible thing is that My dad is liking him! Ugh!😩😩

Karan's POV

Atlast! My princess got convinced!! Uff! Finally she will be infront of me everyday!! All thanks to her dad without him nothing would be possible convincing her to come to the office!!

I know how i have pass these days without her! It was more painful for me to know that she will not come to the office but still waiting for her, waiting to see her sitting in the chair infront of my cabin, waiting to see her beautiful face with that precious smile, waiting to see her those pretty eyes which says much about the deepness of her beauty even without makeup!
She is such a pure beauty!! I am so lucky to have her in my life!❤ I promise you my princess, i will never leave you, i will always be with you, you are my whole world, and will propose to you soon, i love you...i love you my princess!

He was in his sea of thoughts, suddenly he got interrupted by Prince "Sunny, aren't you going to home today? Sunny....Sunny!!"

"Ha, huh! You! Yeah! No home for today!" cheerfully Karan said.

What do you mean by 'No home for today' ??🤨

"Yah! I mean...I'm gonna stay here for today! With Teju's dad! Tell mom...that have some important work to do!" Karan concluded with it.

Prince's POV

I don't know what is going on Sunny's mind but i can smell something fishy!

Well, i will find out Mr Kundrra even if you don't revealed it!

I know he have planned something special for his 'princess' ! First I have to  call Aunt and say about Sunny's reason of staying here and then find out about his plan!

"Hey aunt, what's up?" I asked to which she replied "All good Prince beta, what about you! Aren't both of you coming home? Its almost late!"

"Home... that's the reason i called you! Actually I have some work here in the hospital and Sunny is too busy here with his prin--- i mean, staff members!" My god! I was gonna spill out princess but somehow i saved myself from this! Uff!!!

"Okay! But both of you please have your dinner!" She said and cutt off the call.

Now I have to find out the reason of him staying here!

Karan's POV

I saw my princess in her dad's room; giving him some medicine! I think its his time to sleep! Great! We can atleast have some privacy now!

I asked "Ms Tejasswi, shall we discuss about the project?" while stepping inside the room.

"Yes sir, we can... but before that let me give dad his medicines! Then we can proceed to our work!" She said holding a glass full of water and some medicines..

"Okay...!" I said.

"Beta, did you have dinner?" Her dad asked me!

Shit! While thinking about this all forgot to have dinner!

"No...i didn't!" I said

"Then how will you get strength to do work! Don't worry! Teju too didn't have, so you both can have it together!" He said making an another way for me to impress his daughter! He's great man!!

"Yah! Sure uncle!" I felt like there's a party taken place in my stomach in which the DJ is playing some great party songs as soon as i said this!

I know! I know! you are waiting for this moment of your life Sunny, when you both will be sitting together and having food! She will feed you, you will look into her eyes then her nose, her beautiful face, her cute smile!
Both will be complementing each other! Which just can't happen anyway! Oh just shut up Sunny! But that doesn't mean that there should be a DJ party there in my stomach!
My god how can I think such things right now! I think its because of my hunger! Yaar! i didn't have breakfast in the morning na, so this types of creepy thoughts and DJ party helding in my mind and stomach!

After my all these useless thoughts and her useful works finally we are having dinner! Exactly in my cabin! She is sitting infront of me, taking the first bit of her food! And me staring at her like a mad!

"Sir...why are you not eating?" Her words disturbed my sight which was on her!

"Oh....aa... that's... that's because...aa...i mean..i'm eating! Don't..worry!" I just mumbled something as nothing was coming in my mind, not even a single sentence! My fucking mind!

"Oh! But why do you look so nervous? Is everything okay sir?" She asked me in a tensed mode😥

I think she must be a CBI officer! too much douting people!

"No...i'm not nervous! Why should I be! I was just thinking about yo--i mean, about our project!" I stretched out the word project to clear the misery have just created!

"Oh!" She said in a convinced way!

"So, what's up guys?" There's the voice which sound familiar to us disturbed our peaceful dinner!

I averted my gaze from Teju to the direction from which the voice was coming and gotta know that its none other than 'The person who always break in others talks, especially mine!' Yeah, you're right! Its none other than Prince!😒🥲

Soo That's Itt For This part!!
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~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

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