Part: 20 (Karan is Missing)

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Now he literally needs to know who that guy is and what were they talking about though he heard their conversation but he was confused too as he could only hear half of their talks one thing was sure that the guy was flirting and it made him more angry.

Suddenly his phone buzzed it was from Vishal.
He picked it up quickly "Tell me!who's that?"
Vishal replied in a low voice "Sir..the one she is getting married to..."

Karan's POV

As soon as Vishal said those words my heart sank I was out of breathe.
I don't know how to react.I immediately cut off the call and banged on the desk making a loud sound.I didn't feel like this before I was feeling like a part of me was being taken away indeed it was!!
I don't know what to can't let this happen!! She is mine!! I love her!

I can't let my love to marry someone else...and why the fuck that guy was flirting with her?! How dare he do that!! And why was she so comfortable with him?! Does it mean that she agreed to mar..marry himm? Shit! I can't even think about this! Being frustrated I called Prince..after two rings he picked up the call but till then I became restless..

"Where were you stupid fellow? Come to my office right now!" I said in a way of ordering him.
"Sunny..what happen?! Look...I'm busy..I will--" I cut off the call before he could even complete the sentence! I was that restless!!

I came out of the cabin with my car keys and dozed off to the beach.I saw Teju coming towards me maybe she was about to ask me something but I just ignored her and moved from there in my car.
I don't want to make the situation more worse!! I know if I start talking to her now, I will surely become rude or angry.which I don't want to show her so I escaped from there.

Teju's POV

It was quite great meeting with Nishant after years but I was shocked when I first saw him manh! He turned to be a sexy fellow now!! I mean biceps and all and to be true I never thought dad would choose him for me!
Anyways we discussed mostly about our lives and works as I had lot of pending work in the office so I quit off quickly but not before having my lunch.
I reached office and was on the entry gate when I saw Karan.Hoping that everything is fine.I went near him to talk but what the hell!! Did he just ignored me?! How dare he do that!!!

What did I do?? I got angry as well as an unknown pain crept my heart without a second, as it was quite embarrassing I quickly went towards the entrance.

Karan's POV

Since the last 3 hours I was sitting here probably thinking about these shits!!! Heck!! Why did I ignored her!! What will she think about me?! Shitt....I shouldn't have reacted in such a way!! But the thought of her getting married to someone else was making me mad!! Doesn't she feel anything about me? Is there only a boss-employee relationship we have? Nothing more than that??

"But did you tell her about this feeling or hinted her anything regarding your love towards her? No...right! Then how will she know?" My mind said.

"But she should know this... doesn't she read your eyes whenever you look at her they are filled with so much love that anyone can notice! Then why she didn't?!" My heart argued.

"Why are you blaming her? When you don't have the guts to say it to her!" My mind replied annoying me!

Suddenly, I looked at my phone shitt...its not working!! I actually threw it with anger just few minutes back!! As I look up to the sky...I realised that it's almost dark!! Maybe it's almost 8.
I don't know I was so lost in these that I forgot about the time! I stood up from my place looked for people around me there's only a couple smooching each other lips while the waves kissing their feet!! In order not to disturb them, I moved away from there walking to the other side.

Teju's POV

I was on the way to the hospital when I received a call from Prince(He asked me to call him Prince rather than adding 'sir' to it) "Hello Teju" he said in a tensed voice from the other side.

"Yes" I replied hurriedly and without much delay i asked again "Is dad fine?"I can sense sweats forming in my forehead and my fingers crossed hoping that everything is okay!!
"He is fine...but--" "but...what but...what happened?" I asked with a trembling voice..."Teju...calm down...your dad is fine but Sunny is missing!" He said making my heart to feel relieved while a corner of it is still paining!!

"Where did he went?" I asked immediately.

"I don't know..I have called to ask if you know where he went!! But it seems like you too don't know about it!" He said making me more tensed.

"Okay! I'm coming there anyway...have you tried his number!" I asked him straight away.

"Yup! But it's switched off!" He said sighing.

After few minutes I reached the hospital as soon as I entered I saw Prince he came near me and asked desperately with a tensed face "Are you sure he is not in the office?"

"Yes...because I saw him going from the office when I entered in...and after that he didn't come back!" He got worried.

Suddenly he asked me to sit in his car so that we can search for him together and now it's been more than 5 hours since we have been searching for him no sign of him in the city yet.
I could see Prince being worried and his eyes running to every corner of the city as he is driving with a hope of finding him it felt like a father searching for his son. I know what a great bond they share so it's expected.

As time was passing by, my heart was getting more anxious to know about him..."Where is he?" is the only question running in my mind now. I know dad have been worried about me.

Now its 10 and I'm still here.searching for him dad has called me for the 10th time now he must be fuming with anger but I can't help I'm in no mood to talk with him now.

Promptly, I remembered Karan's angry face he was quite angry when he left.
I asked Prince immediately "Prince, did you talk with Karan before he left?" He looked at me nodding and said "Yes...but it seemed like he was damn angry and in a hurry!"

"That means...I know where he will be!" I said assuring him.

"Where?" he asked instantly.

"On the beach" I said smiling.

"But how you know?" He asked in confusion.

"Because whenever he is sad or angry he visits his favourite place for refreshment!And his favourite place is beach!" I said.

Without any delay both of us reached there..."thank god! He is here!!" Prince said sighing as we saw his car.

Huhhhh pretty long chapter!!!
I hope you all are like this!!!
Plz guys do likes & comments!!!!

~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

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