Part: 30 (Strangers)

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"Why are you doing this? You could've asked for a simple apology I would've accepted it why this dinner and all?" She questioned just as I was about to walk away Stopping in my track. I breathed out and turned my head.

"Because I like you"

Karan's POV

As soon as I told her she left....
But Finally I said it I fucking finally revealed that I like her! Damnn it took a lot of courage to do so! For the first time i was happy for being angry I mean, anger caused the confession! I am just flying over the moon now! My heart is beating like a drum right now I don't know how to calm it down I am nervous and excited too I just hope everything goes the way I want!!

After a lot of time and finalizing everything from the flowers to the dishes which are to be used for our dinner I finally relaxed a bit! huh!finally everything is perfect I hope she likes everything! Its almost 7 now I need to be there before her So I rushed up and looked myself in the mirror for a second after getting ready in a suit passing a smile to myself, I decided to finally go to the backwards where my garden resides.

Karan's Outfit:

Yes, we are going to have dinner in the garden which i have decorated with the help of Vishal

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Yes, we are going to have dinner in the garden which i have decorated with the help of Vishal..he has helped a lot! so, he deserves a good payment tho! I have decided to make everything on my own..the food is specially cooked by me..

Yaay you all don't get shocked by this because i know how to cook okay!!!

I went there to check whether everything is perfect or not! seems like everything is decided to wait for her..I have selected a dress for her..hope she likes it! oh damn, I am getting nervous now!

Hoping for everything to go well sat down there waiting for her arrival!

Teju's POV

Wrapping myself in a towel, i went to look for the dress Karan has sent for was a beautiful maroon colour dress with sleeve of one hand while the other is has a slight slit at the thigh portion making it much more prettier! it was a simple dress yet so beautiful! Attached to it was a card which said "I hope you like this..waiting for you in the garden - K "

Teju's Outfit:

A blush crept my cheeks thinking about his confession ghosh! He confessed he fucking confessed that he like me! Oh my goddddd!!! I can't believe this Mr Karan Kundrra just confessed that he likes me after all that has happened till now, dad contin...

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A blush crept my cheeks thinking about his confession ghosh! He confessed he fucking confessed that he like me! Oh my goddddd!!! I can't believe this Mr Karan Kundrra just confessed that he likes me after all that has happened till now, dad continuously pestering me to get married and being in the hospital.
I am finally happy about something that I didn't even expect to happen! I mean who knows Karan thought of me more than a employee and friend! Maybe...maybe somewhere I like him too but I don't wanna tell him now. What if he leaves after something blooms very special between us? who knows?

And there comes my insecurities and the stupid overthinking keeping them aside decided the get ready!

After dressing myself, I wore the earnings which are mine they quite matching with my dress despite of their colour which were not maroon.

After dressing myself, I wore the earnings which are mine they quite matching with my dress despite of their colour which were not maroon

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With a final look, I finally moved out of the room, nervousness settling inside me!

With slow steps I reached the destined place and my eyes widen with a smile crepting my lips this is so beautiful! The mini lights and the set up with decorated flowers and everything make it look so graceful I was mesmerized.

With slow steps I reached the destined place and my eyes widen with a smile crepting my lips this is so beautiful! The mini lights and the set up with decorated flowers and everything make it look so graceful I was mesmerized

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But the thing that caught my sight and my heart started pumping rapidly is for the man standing there with a killing smile on his face being mercilessly handsome and hot for the night!

His eyes Caught mine and his smile got bigger as he looked me up and down as if capturing me in his eyes and mind for moment I reached there with slow steps and he held out Chair for me smiling briefly showing his cheeky dimples that I didn't know even exist till now!

"You look beautiful!" he said sincerity and admiration cleared in his eyes.

" don't look bad yourself" somehow cleared my voice and was able to reply! damn this is tough.

Maybe he could acknowledged my nervousness even though I tried to hide it perfectly so he replied "Teju, at least for once breath a sigh of relieve I am not gonna eat you you know I just wanted to talk!"

"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked trying to be clear.

"YOU" he replied staring at me.

"You know everything about me then what's there to talk about asked again.

Yeah I know about you as a employee I do have your biodata but I wanted to know more than that everything that nobody else know about you..okay! let's open up a bit with Ourselves.

"Let's stars everything as strangers forget that I am your boss or friend or that you know me let's just forget about ourselves for a moment" he said and looked towards me and asked "Is that okay?"

"Okay then" smiled in assurance.

"So, Hi I am Karan Kundrra" he held out his hand with a smile.

"Tejasswi Prakash" replied smiling back.

And this is how the night felt peaceful with our laughter, his jokes and some embarrassing incidents of his childhood.
This is how we discovered many things about each other's maybe as STRANGERS!!!

So Here is one more chapter of this beautiful story!!!
Please shower some love!!!
And do likes and let me know how's this part??

~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

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