Part: 75(Love is in the Air)

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I woke up and looked at her she was sleeping peacefully in my arms and a faint smile on her face, I was waiting for this day from so long I wanted this angel to be mine again and today It's done! I smiled at myself and kissed her forehead she slowly opened her eyes....

"Good morning baby!" She said.

"Good morning Laddoo!"

She snuggled in to my chest.

"So how was last night??" I asked.



"Yes!" And she kissed my cheek.

"So come on let's get up!" I said and wore my pants.

She too got up and wrapped the bedsheet around her and went in the bathroom she came out wearing her bathrobe, I was standing in front of the mirror looking at my beard I decided to have a shave..

Teju: Kundri do a clean shave?

Karan: Hey no you want me to look like a small kid I trim it a bit!

Teju: Are you sure?

Karan: What's there to be sure?

Teju: Umm no all this stuff is gonna happen every night so..!

Karan: Ohhh!!! I didn't know my Laddoo, is so bold, Ok then but you'll have to help me!

Teju: Me??

Karan: Yes you come here!

She took the trimmer from my hand and started trimming.

Teju: See Kundrri I have never done this before so tell me if I hurt you!

Karan: Yeah!

She did it perfectly.

Teju: Perfect you look handsome!

Karan: I always do!😉

"So now I'll have a bath!" She said

Karan: Should I come in to help you?

Teju: No need I can do it alone!

Karan: No but!

I slowly leaned forward to kiss her but then....

"What the fuck!" She said.

Karan: Hey why are you cursing?

Teju: Karan it's raining!

Karan: So what?

Teju: Our clothes are there!

Karan: Damn!

And we started running here and there. We removed all the clothes but still they got wet.

"Huh this rain!" She said.

Karan: Hmm now what?

Teju: All these clothes are of the whole week we don't have other clothes to wear!

Karan: Not we I have!

Teju: How?

"See!" I showed her a pair of t-shirt and track pants which I managed to bring safely.

Teju: That's soo mean Karan you didn't get my clothes!

Karan: Sorry!

Teju: Anyways you go I'll go afterwards!!!!

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