Part: 23 (Kabab Mein Haddi)

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I'm getting Angry now!!! He can't Behave in such way with me!! Is he being possesive about me!! the hell he will be? He doesn't love me!

I was thinking all these when his grip on my hand tighten I returned back to reality and said "My Future Husband!"

As soon as I said this I felt his hands loosen from mine and he stepped backward he looked at me with pleading eyes and left from there opening the door!! Heck!! What the hell was that???

Karan's POV

My heart pierced at that moment my mind is remembering those words every now and then "my future husband!" which was making my heart more weak. I don't want to lose her but I couldn't even say it to her.
Prince was trying to console me or you can say advising me on this asking me thousands of times to say her everything!

But I, just ignoring his words, sitting on my bed, doing nothing much than thinking nonsense!

The buzz on my phone made me to come back to the reality, picking it up I saw a message coming from dad opening it within a second I came to know that he wants us to complete the project as soon as possible!
I got up from my bed and rushed to the washroom after few minutes I reached the office!

On the way, I messaged Teju regarding this asking her to leave for office soon!

Within 20 minutes, I reached there and there she stood! With her ever smiling face and those mesmerizing eyes in her pink kurta and white pajamas looking like an angel with untied hair.

She looked towards me, but suddenly those big eyes of hers blinked as like ignoring my stare I didn't have the courage to make and eye contact with her again.I know I over reacted and now the things between us has become awkward its my fault! I shouldn't have done that!! Sighing I went towards my cabin.

Teju's POV

It didn't feel like everyday it used to be we were silent he didn't even looked at me for once we just talked about the project nothing else!
He even didn't ask me about dad this behaviour of him is making my heart to cry!! But I don't know the reason behind it!! I don't have any feelings for him right!! Only a good friend nothing much right!! Then why am I feeling this low!! Why is my heart aching whenever he is ignoring me!!

Ughh!!I'm not getting this feeling!! Am I in lov--shitt!! How can I even think that?? I mean he is one of the richest businessman in the world why will he love you even if you do!? You are just an employee nothing much its your fortune that he made you his friend otherwise you are nothing infront of him!!

Don't make him to take your job!! You will run out of money!! Then what will happen to your dad!! He doesn't think in such a way for you!! So you stop thinking nonsense now!! I consoled myself and tried to focus on my work!

After an hour we got our lunch break I was leaving Karan's cabin to have lunch when he called me up " have lunch together....if you don't mind! We can also discuss more about the project there!!"

I smiled and nodded while we both left for the canteen both of us sat and ordered our food after which an awkward silence filled the place neither he spoke anything nor I did.

Karan's POV

Finally I thought of breaking the ice "Teju... actually I say...that"

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