Part: 64(End Of Weekend)

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Hello Guyssss!!!
IDK what happened to you all,
Response is so low if you are bored with this story then please let me know!!!
I will end this story!!
Happy Reading ❤️


And I was shocked to see what was infront of me. There were my pictures all over the room, some were candid some were from my social media handles. Some I don't know from where she got them. I went in there were fairy lights there. The room was something different it was smelling really amazing. There was a table there on which my favourite perfume, watch, etc was kept. I was lost in the room when a voice bought me back to reality "Karan!" It was her she was shouting.

Karan: Wh...what??

Teju: I told you not to come in this room!

Karan: Well in that case I've already done it!

Teju: What do you mean my done it?

Karan: Ummmm

Teju: You never listen to me!

Karan: Forget it by the way when did you get these pics??

Teju: Actually that...

Karan: That??

Teju: From your social media handles!

"Ok and these ones!" I pointed at the candid pics.

Teju: In that case I clicked them!

Karan: You clicked them??

Teju: Hmm!!

Karan: So I need to appreciate your photography skills!

She smiled at me!!!

Karan: So is this the reason you bought no one in this villa??

Teju: No no no this is my room I can do anything and in case of the villa I had it before our marriage!

Karan: Oh so if this is your room your pictures should be here, the room should be painted with your favourite colour, your favourite things should be here but in this case everything is mine! I took some steps close to her.

Teju: Umm actually...

Karan: Actually??

Teju: Uhh !

And now I was close to her. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me..

Karan: So it seems like you are obsessed with me?

Teju: No I'm not obsessed with you!

Karan: Yeah that's why my pictures are all over here?

Teju: Uhh fine I give up! I did all this for you to make feel you special!!! I want to give you surprise but you idiot already ruined itt!!! Btw You Like It??

Karan: I loved ittt!!!!
I pulled her cheeks.

Teju: Now leave me we need to leave home!

Karan: Hey no I don't want to go back!

Teju: No we'll have to go tomorrow we have to go to office!

Karan: No yaar!

Teju: Nah we'll have to go if you want we'll come here on weekends what say?

Karan: Yeah we'll come here on weekends!

Teju: Come then let's leave it's 6:00 pm it'll take 2 hours to reach back!

Karan: Yeah I'll take our clothes!

I quickly took our clothes and other things and left from there. It took us another half an hour to leave. I really didn't want to leave that place it was really so calming and beautiful. But unfortunately I had to. We sat in the car and Laddoo started driving, on the way we had dinner too and reached home late 10:00.


We were really very tired but happy And Karan looked more happy and relaxed after coming back from there. That's what I wanted, we were sitting on the bed when suddenly Karan caught my hand. I looked at him he smiled brightly at me.

"What??" I asked.

Karan: Thank you so much Laddoo for all this you made my two days beautiful I mean you did everything that I love thank you!

Teju: I'm glad you loved ittt!!!

Karan: Hmm but how did you know I love doing all this??

Teju: Well thanks to Prince Bhai he told me that you love star gazing, badminton and planting trees so my villa had it!

Karan: Oh but really I enjoyed everything!

Teju: Hmm Karan I need to talk to you!

Karan: Me?

Teju: Yes you!

Karan: Ok tell!

Teju: Karan what was that which bothered you I mean what happened suddenly you started having nightmares!

Karan: Uhh nah nothing work stress!

Teju: Karan stop fooling me ok tell me!

Karan: No nothing!

Teju: Karan swear on me!!!

Karan: Hey no it's wrong!!

Teju: If you are telling the truth then swear on me!

He put his head down.

Teju: Karan I need to know!

Karan: It's because.... I got a call from someone saying that soon...!

Teju: Soon??

Karan: You'!

Teju: What???

Karan: Hmm!!

Teju: Damn it you found out about the number?

Karan: No but I'm trying, Laddoo I'm really very scared what...what if anything happens to you I won't be able to forgive myself I'm really scared!

"Karan...." I cupped his face.

Teju: As I say always nothing is going to happen to me till you are there with me and I won't let anything happen to you also!

Karan: But...!

Teju: See Karan I'm telling you nothing is happening to me I'm here always ok!

He smiled and hugged me And later we went sleep.

Here is next chapter!!
Thank you for all the love!!!!

~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

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