Part: 55(Karan Meets Nishant)

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Unedited chapter plz bear my mistakes!
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It was not easy for me to ignore her and get angry with her. But I still couldn't think about Laddoo with Nishant on the terrace. The more I think about it the more my mind mess ups. I had started drinking alcohol more and more because of this bloody thing. I was really frustrated and started screaming and hit the mirror infront of me. And yes my hand started bleeding. I heard the door open obviously it was Laddoo. Because I was screaming like an animal her sleep got disturbed. She looked at my hand and came running to me. And took my hand in hers I tried to pull it but she was holding it tight.

"You wait here I'll get the first-aid!" She said

Karan: No need!

"Karan just shut your bloody mouth ok!" She shouted on me.

Karan: O..K!

And she went out. My God this is the first time I saw her so angry. She came in few minutes with the first aid box. She was applying antiseptic on it and it was hurting. Maybe she came to know it so she did it softly and put a bandaid on it.

Teju: It will be ok in 2 days!

And she left the room. I was feeling a bit bad I didn't even say thank you to her. But is it really needed. I don't care. I need to sleep now.

Next Day

I woke up with a heavy head. I needed a strong coffee I went down and made it for myself. After few minutes Laddo came down and looked at me, she sat on the sofa.

"Is your hand ok now?" She asked.

I nodded and said : Hmm! Thank you for last night!

She nodded at me.

Karan in mind: Are we here to play the nod-nod game. Oh ya I nodded so she nodded. Tit for tat. I had my coffee and left without looking at her. I didn't need to. I reached office in sometime.


He's so annoying. Who told him to break his hand on the mirror. Now again at night he will come drunk and again an headache, idiot. He's really so weird. Last night I was going to sleep he started screaming like an animal. I thought, which bloody animal is screaming and that too in my house. And I saw this idiot is breaking his hand. Whatever I'm getting late I need to reach office on time.


It's been one week he always comes home drunk and says the same thing again and again. I tried to explain him but he never listened to me. He never eats anything not even breakfast. He's not the Karan I loved. His room is always messed up, the more I try to help him the more he gets annoyed Till today no one has behaved like this with me but this guy is the first person whom I'm handling so patiently. I don't know why but even though he hurts me I don't stop Caring for him. I was thinking about all this and I don't know when I slept.

Next Day :

I woke up early and made breakfast for us. I saw him coming down he was wearing his business suit. He came and sat on the table. I passed him the plate
"I don't want it!" He said.

Teju: Karan you haven't eaten anything from the past one week, at least eat something!

Karan:I said no!

Teju: Karan stop acting stubborn and eat it!
And I took the plate in my hand and tried to feed him. He threw the plate on the floor.

Karan: What the heck Tejasswi I said I don't want!

I don't know why but I felt very bad by this behaviour a tear rolled down my cheek.

Karan: Don't do this drama in front of me do all this for Nishant!

Teju: You know what Karan when you get to know the truth na you'll regret all this behaviour I swear!

And I left in my room changed my clothes and left for my office.


She left, She said I'll regret my behavior. I'm done and what truth is she speaking about, From the past one week I'm not able to concentrate on my work. My head just spins thinking about all this bloody stuff. I didn't have anything and left for office. I reached my office in sometime. I was with my PA he was showing me some presentation. I was not able to think about anything. I asked Vishal to go out. Her words were echoing in my ears "You'll regret when you come to know the truth!" What truth?. She didn't tell me about anything. I need to know it. I left my office. I know where to go to get my answers!. I stopped infront of a tall glass building. This building is owned by Nishant. I entered the office the receptionist tried to stop me but I was not in the state to listen to anyone. My head was on fire. I entered his cabin and this bastard was not in the state to look at. He was sitting on his chair a girl in her mid twenties was sitting on his lap his blazer was on the floor and they both were close to kissing. As soon as they heard the door opened they looked at me. The girl ran away in embarrassment.

Hello Mr. Kundrra, what bought you here?" He asked wearing his blazer.

Karan: I don't have time for your hi and hello I want my answers!

Nishant: What answers?

Karan: What the fuck were you doing with my wife on the terrace? grabbing his collar

Nishant: Nothing!

"I want answers!" I punched his face

Nishant: Hey man cool down!

Karan: I said answers!

Nishant: Fine I'll tell you!

Karan: Yes that's better!

And he told me something that I literally lost my mind. I couldn't believe that all this happened.

Soo here is next chapter!!!
Longer one!!!
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And don't forget to read my other story:


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