Part: 24 (Teju Avoids Karan)

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I am not going to Keep any target!!!
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Ps: Part is not edited plz ignore my mistakes!
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"Then why are you agreeing to marry him?" I asked again.

She had a serious look on her face this time "because dad wants me to!"

"And why so?" I inquired

"Because It's Dad's Wish!" She said sighing.

After this meeting with Karan Teju Went Towards her dad's room.

Teju's Dad: How Was Your Meet With Nishant?

Teju: Good! She said without any interest.

Teju's Dad: Teju Beta He is very nice guy. Well Settled and he is your old friend. And most importantly he loves you.
So Can I fix your marriage with him??

Teju: Dad I only met him once. I know he is my Old Friend, Well settled and what not.But i need some time for thinking about this.

She said this and left the room.

After that she went to the beach and started thinking about all happened today.

Teju's POV

I don't know what's happening with me...
Dad found Nice Guy for me who is well settled, Loves me, Cares For Me and my long lost friend. But My heart is not able to accept this proposal... Listening about fixing marriage with him hurts me.
I think I'm fallen for Karan... Yess I'm Fallen For him. I feel happy and safe whenever I'm with him..he must be arrogant rude boss for everyone but he always sweet towards me... always cares for me.
But He is one the richest Man in the World. How can he loves a middle class girl like me. I have to maintain a distance with him and avoid him soo I can manage to control my feelings for him.
Yes I will do this only!!

She thinks all this and went to the hospital.

On Next Morning

Teju: Dad Yesterday you asked me about fixing marriage with Nishant..

Teju's Dad: Yess...what is your decision beta??

Teju: I'm ready for the marriage Dad! Please Inform Them!! Now I have to Go To office Bye Dad Take Care!

Her Dad was happy with her decision!!

Karan's POV

It's been 3 weeks! Freaking 3 weeks! Teju is ignoring me like hell!I have asked her about it but like usual she gives some lame excuses! I don't know what is up with this girl! Why is she behaving like this?

I was cutt off from my thoughts by a voice "Sir, may I come in?" I can easily recognize the angelic voice it's her!

I looked up from my files and scanned her face which was showing no emotions..I was missing her old refreshing smile which used to be my energy!! But where is it?

"Come in!" I said still my eyes fixed at her face...she soon moved in and placed a file infront of me.

"Sir, This is the file you asked for I checked all the details of your previous mail and have copied some important documents you may check it once it get ready!" She said looking down.

It irked me now!! Why is she behaving like this?! What the hell!? And what's is that 'sir' ? I can't control anymore with a lot of frustration in my voice I said "what is this Tejasswi? Why are you behaving like this?"

"Sir?" She asked.

"I mean..what the hell is with this 'sir' now? I remember asking you to call me 'Karan'! And why are you looking down? LOOK AT ME!" I said the last part loudly.

She flinched at the moment but got her back! Did I scare her? She stood still looking down oh fuck! I can't tolerate this behaviour anymore!! I got up from my chair and went towards her with my fingers lifting her chin.
She looked at me "Now tell me!" I asked her again controlling my anger.

"It's nothing sir I'm just trying to be formal with you like others! That's it!!" She said.

"Formal....oh I see!! How formal you are?! Good keep it up.." I said sarcastically.

"Sir, I think I should leave" she said.

"Tejasswi, you know, you can trust me?!" I said looking at the door as she opened it.She nodded and left the cabin!

Teju's POV

His eyes were asking me thousands of questions but I decided to ignore it why shouldn't I? In a month or so I'm getting married! I should stay away from him! Otherwise he will get to know about everything that I'm hiding from him and after a week we'll complete the project and I'll resign from the job! That's it!! No more meeting him, no more creating problems!

Anyways, I shall concentrate on my work now! I started working but suddenly Namish came up "Teju, boss is calling you!" He said with a bit of seriousness in his voice.

"You mean Karan?" I asked.

"Yup, who else is the boss here?!" He said being amused.

I glared at him and went to Karan's cabin.

Oh lord!why is he calling me now?!

As I knocked he asked me to go inside I moved inside with a lot of nervousness. "Sit down Ms Tejasswi!" He said not lifting his head from those files.

Ms Tejasswi! Now what is this! What is he upto?!

I quickly sat and he placed some papers infront of me and spoke "Ms Tejasswi, these are project papers. The company wanted the project to complete within a week, so we need to complete this within this week!" He paused looking at me.

And started again "So we need to work day and night for it and don't worry you'll get extra amount for your hardwork! So for this you need to stay with me at my pent house!" He said and looked at me once again..

What the hell! I'm not gonna stay with him!! No, never I mean I need to stay away from him then?!

"But sir, we can complete the project without staying together also!" I said.

"No we can't because because we need to do it together and I don't want any mistake from any of our side! It's an important project! And if you are thinking of working from the hospital then I don't think we can complete it soon! And don't worry, there will be Vishal with us too!" He said.

"So we are going to work from today get ready with your stuff, my driver will pick you up!" Saying this he focused on those files again.

"But, I need to inform my dad!" I said looking at him.

"Then do it! we don't have much time Ms Tejasswi, you can leave!" He said rudely without looking at me..

I moved out of the cabin and left for the hospital! Shit!! Why is he behaving rude? I shouldn't have asked him to behave formal with me! Now look he became that old khadoos!! But it's for good! Because eventually it will be easy for me to stay away from him...

I said dad about it and he agreed! I arranged a nurse for him to look after and took up my stuff while waiting for the driver!

Precap: Staying Together ♥️

That's itt for today!!
Plz Comments Mein Batao How Story is going??
I know you all are waiting for confession... it will happen soon!!!
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~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

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