Part: 31(Date Night)

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"So, Hi I am Karan Kundrra" he held out his hand with a smile.

"Tejasswi Prakash" replied smiling back.

And this is how the night felt peaceful with our laughter, his jokes and some embarrassing incidents of his childhood.
This is how we discovered many things about each other's maybe as STRANGERS!!!

Karan's POV

After our little date or that so called dinner we are better with each other than before, or more can say that we are close to each other. It feels so good to talk with her, to listen to her complaints that she makes while pouting her plump lips, to admire her whenever she is near me! I love our mid night conversations. Two days has passed since our date and we are actually having a good time with each other. And tomorrow is the last day for our project after which she will leave from here. I only have a day in my hand to reveal her about my love-"Karan, Karan...are you listening to me?" a melodic voice interrupted my thoughts.

As I look for the source of voice, I saw the most beautiful woman of my world looking at me with confusion etched on her face "What are you thinking?" she asked.

Uhm..nothing..just about some work. What were you speaking?" I tried changing the topic.

"Okay..I was saying that we should actually use this theme for the project than that this color matches more than that this is what heard from her cause after that got lost in her once again. Guess what? I need to talk to her about us. Gathering all the courage I thought of asking for a date like a proper one, so that we can talk about us.

Clearing my throat. "Teju" I called her

"hmm" she was still engrossed with that damn file showing me something.

"I want to ask you something" I said preparing myself. By now she have turned her whole attention towards me.

"I---um--this--" I sluttered.

"What's that?" She asked again.

"Will you--will you go for a date with me?" waited for her to back to say some curses or more worst like some slaps and square one but she agreed to it without any question.

"You will not ask me why?" I asked her bewildered.

"Should I ask now?" she asked acting innocent.

"You want to date me?" I asked her once again.

"Yes, is there any problem?" she asked me narrowing her eye brows.

"Problem, what is problem? no problem." I spoke absolutely nonsense.

"You are so cute" she laughed squeezing my cheeks and I blushed profusely.

'CUTE' nobody said that to me ever. I am either described as hot and arrogant or sexy and ruthless but never cute, haww! I am worst than those teenagers blushing like hell but still it was a first compliment from my crush so its fine.

"Should I expect you to be ready at 6 this evening?" I asked her flashing her my sexy smile that most of the girls have swooned over.

"Okay" she replied calmly and my heart fluttered out in an instant.

Teju's POV

Karan thought that would reject him and that look on his face was so cute. I have replied after thinking about everything. This two days have been my favorite time with him. He have been funny, flirty, caring at times, I never thought he would be this amazing. I like him and i know but didn't want to let him know cause I was afraid of losing people I love. I have lost everything I love loved till now and don't want to lose anything more now. But now I think I should give hima chance. A chance to love me. A chance to let him know me and to let myself know how it feels to be loved. I love seen the admiration in his eyes for me, anybody can do that since his eyes speaks a lot.

His mom called me last night.She is such a lovely lady.We have grew close after our first meet at the hospital where she came in search of Karan. Though Karan still doesn't know about the friendship between us guess what? he would be surprised or else shocked.

She was surprised that I am in the pent house and she doesn't even have any idea. When she ask me how feel about him, I said the truth that I like him..yes I do..she was happy that I reciprocate his feelings and even encouraged me reveal my feelings. At first I declined but then she said that I should tell him about it before it gets too late. So at last I decided that should let him know.

Right now, I am getting ready for our date. Wearing the black cocktail dress which he send me with a pair of earrings and a slight bit of makeup and that dark red lipstick. I was ready and then a knock on the door was heard only to find him in his black suit looking devilishly handsome as ever.
He looked at me or could say like drank me up with his eyes from toes to head. I cleared my throat and he looked up meeting my eyes he flashed his swoon worthy smile "you are looking beautiful" he whispered near my ears making me blushed.

"Thank you" smiled.

"so shall we?" he gestured his hands asking me, hooking my hands in his arms.

We reached the famous hotel " The moonlight" which is one of the most famous and expensive hotel in Mumbai. I knew he would choose something like this. people stuffs! He could have just prepared something at home but no..this needs to be grand and richy rich right!! Anyways, what do you expect from a billionaire. I was cursing all these when he asked "What's wrong?"

Karan's Pov

She looked so sexy right now that my dirty mind have some dirty thoughts how will it feel to press my lips against her. Her moans would be my favourite songs. That dress is doing Injustice to my body. Those curves of her are clearly visible right now. I don't want to go anymore cause I don't want others to see what's mine!

By thoughts were Interrupted when I saw a frown on her face. Does she not like the place? So I asked her "What's wrong?"

"Umm nothing!" she said and looked at me with a smile And I didn't insisted on knowing.

"May I have the honour of dancing with you?" I asked after few minutes of silence, She agreed. It was shocking for me cause she never agreed on something in an instant before but then we are more close than ever now, so it was acceptable.

The sweet melodic music in the background with the neon lights changing Its colour and us enjoying each other's presence is like a dream I wanted to cherish forever! She Slowly looked into my eyes, and a smile made its way on my lips she looked so etheral. I lost myself in those deep big eyes her plump lips teased me as if asking me to take a Taste of them. I was lost in her. When suddenly she moved closer and I tilted my head with that she locked our lips and I tasted them.
We kissed for the first time and with our consent and she initiated it! The owls in my stomach flapped theirs wings, my heart fluttered with a rapid pace and I lost myself once again..

Sooo here is the another chapter!!!
I hope you all are liking this!!!
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~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

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