Part: 33 (Just Them)

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Hellooo Guyssss!!!
I am not going to Keep any target!!!
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Thank youuu for the Love!!!
Happy Reading ❤️
Small Mature content ahead 🚫

"Shit" Karan mumbled and grabbed Teju's face in his hands keeping his lips on hers unable to stay away any longer from her.

She gasped not expecting it but gave in to the kiss. After few minutes they part away panting for breath. Both of their faces were red and heavy breathes resonated as they panted hard. Stumbling, Teju ran out of his view as if she had seen a ghost. He smiled and went after her when she kept her room door open. She stood facing her back towards him in the terrace the one that is connected to her bedroom as she thinks about him and he wrapped his arms around her keeping his chin on her shoulder staring at the black sky outside.

"What do you like in me?" She whispered only for him to listen.



"Because I Love You"

Enjoying the atmosphere outside both were trying keep their accelerated heartbeats at rest when Teju turned around and looked at him asked "Why me?"

He furrowed his eyebrows not understanding the meaning and she repeated again "Why do you want to be with me Karan? You can get anyone then why me?"

"Because you are not them. You are different Teju...the one who makes me feels things, who makes me smile and the one for whom my heart may have tachycardia in the future." he replied smiling.

She kept her lips on his without thinking much. He reciprocated bringing back those previous emotions back in themselves. When they pulled whispered "I want you".

Both of them lost in each other, their eyes were deciphering their feelings that need not to be said in words.

Rugged breaths and heavy heartbeats catching each rhythm probably the effects of their passionate kiss was all that filled the room. Lust, love, admiration and respect filled their eyes. But they tried to control their overall emotions and calmed themselves cause this was just the first step they took towards their relationship.

Karan kept kissing her all along towards the bed, she encouraged him with a tug in his hair. Both of their back hit the bed sounds of slurpy kisses resonated the room, Karan pulled away and kissed along her jaw towards her neck, finding the sweet spot he bite and smooched it eliciting moan from her. He proceded with kisses, sucking and smooching on her skin giving her his beautiful hickeys. The moon shy away hiding itself in the covers of clouds as the couple explored themselves in the dim moonlight resonating the room. They finally made a move in their relationship as they lost their virginities to each other. Waiting for a beautiful morning both of them slept in each other's embrace.

“I have become the MOON
You have become the STAR
The closest one to ME!”


The next morning when I opened my eyes, I met a perfect pair of eyes looking up at me. My girl was staring at me with a smile

Damn My Girl sounds perfect.

"Hey, when did you wake up?" I asked her kissing her forehead with a smile.

"Just few minutes ago" she said returning my smile.

I leaned towards her taking her lips inside mine giving her a sloppy kiss, she blushed but responded back without any hesitation.

Suddenly, my alarm goes on, damn it!

Why couldn't we get some time for ourselves??! We pulled away, and I reached out for my alarm switching it off. She covered herself with the bedsheet and tried to stand up. I am going to the washroom" she said and left.

I sighed and slumped on the bed once again thinking about our last night activities.


I can't believe we have finally confessed and we are dating now. Whenever he is around me I feel so nervous and shy with butterflies flying around me. He was so gentle last night, He made me feel out of the world. Because of him I have stopped thinking about dad or Nishant's reaction on this, it's like I don't care about them anymore, it's only him and me I am interested in talking about now.

After dressing myself up I came out of the washroom, with a towel drying my hair. He was still sleeping on the bed, when I looked at his face he looked so calm and attractive. I went near him and kept staring at his face, tracing my fingers on his face, his pointed nose and those lips when suddenly he stared back at me and smiled, whispering A husky 'Morning' to me.

We kissed once again, his hands were on my covered breasts. He started massaging them, tugging at my erected nipples quite a few times with our lips intact his tongue entering my mouth and dominating the kiss. He opened my shirt with one of his hand and my bare chest came into his view as I didn't wear any bra. His mouth left my lips and started sucking my left breast while his hands teased the other nipple. I moaned with my fingers tracing his silky hairs, he latched his mouth to the left nipple and started sucking it, I could feel a pool between my legs. He moved up to kiss me again when suddenly his phone rang.

It was a moment both of us didn't appreciate of. I heard him cursing under his breathe but he didn't get separated instead wrapped his hands around my breasts and latched his mouth on them. The moment felt magical now. I moaned louder. But then the phone rang for the second time and i retracted back from him asking him to receive the call. Even though he made some attempts to pull me back, I left in a hurry for the kitchen in order to get away.

After the call both of them had breakfast and got ready for work. It was the last day of them staying under the same roof so they wanted to use it well.

They got into the car and Karan pulled her on his lap "Kya Kr Rahe Ho Driver Dekh Lega".

He just ducked his head into her neck muttering a soft hmm not letting her escape, pulling her more into him. She moaned when he kissed her neck, caressing his hairs. She smiled when he kissed her ear mumbling a small "I love you".

She touched his cheeks pulling him to her face and kissing his lips "I love u too Sunny. He smiled back, happy that she reciprocated.

The driver coughed gaining their attention,
"Sahab Ji, hum pohoch gaye"

Teju pulled herself back, missing his warmth while adjusting her clothes "Sunny, let's go now!"

"Okay baby he kissed her temple and both of them came out of the car. She went inside the building blushing that he called her 'Baby'.

"Tejasswi madam bohot achi hai" the driver spoke from behind while he smiled still dreaming of her and said,

"There's no place I end and you begin When your body is in my body
We are one person"

Soo here is the another chapter of the story!!
I hope you all are liking ittt!!
Plz let me know in comments section how is the chapter!!!

And yeahh i just thought to write a short arrange marriage normal story...
should i write or not???
Plz bataooo

~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

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