Part: 47(Trip to Bangalore)

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Hello Guyssss!!!
One more chapter of the day!!!
Thank youuu for the Love!!!
Unedited chapter plz bear my mistakes!
Happy Reading ❤️


The next day I bought Teju with me. She completed her office work early. So we both decided to watch a movie. We were watching the movie when I asked her...

Karan: Coffee?"

Teju: Ya!

Karan: Ok I'll get!

And I went down. After a few minutes when I came up I saw Teju talking to someone... "Yes Mr.Mehta yes I'll be coming tomorrow, yes sure bye!"

Karan: Whom were you talking and where are you going?

Teju: Umm actually have a bussiness meeting day after tomorrow in Banglore do I have to book the flight tickets!

Karan: Oh so will you mind if I come?

Teju: No but what about office!

Karan: Vishal is there to take care!

Teju: But you'll get bored there!

Karan: You don't want to take me that's why you are making reasons na??

Teju: No!

Karan: Then book 2 tickets!

Teju: Ok!!! Well pack our bags now!

Karan: Ok take some clubbing and casual clothes!

Teju: Why??

Karan: We'll explore the city!

Teju: You'll get time?

Karan: Yes!

Teju: Ok then!!!

We packed our bags.

Later we ordered pizza as we both were tired.

And later went to sleep.

The next day


I woke up early as we had to reach the airport. I woke up Karan too, I wore a white top with blue jeans and he wore a black jeans with white t-shirt.

Karan's Outfit:

Teju's Outfit:

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Teju's Outfit:

We reached the airport on time, our flight was announced

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We reached the airport on time, our flight was announced. We both went and took our seats, I saw Karan staring an airhostess. I was getting hell jealous.

"She looks hot right!!" I asked purposely.

Karan: Yes!

And he realised what he said...

Karan: Oh fuck I'm so sorry!

Teju: No no I'm sorry I disturbed you!

Karan: I'm so sorry Teju!!!!

Teju: Wait I'll give you an idea when she goes to washroom na you go behind her and then kiss her and do the other stuff too ok!

Karan: Hmm that's a good idea but what if I don't kiss her and kiss...!

Teju: And kiss whom?

Karan: Kiss you!

Teju: Shut up ok!!

Karan: Then say it's ok!

Teju: It's ok!

That's like a good wife And he gave me a flying kiss!!!

We reached Banglore after a long time. We went on our hotel. It was really big, our hotel room had a beautiful gallery, from where we could see beautiful stars.

Next day


I woke up and saw beside me that Teju was not there, maybe she went for her meeting. I decided to complete my work as the next day we had to explore the city.

It was evening, Teju still didn't come, I tried calling her many times but she didn't pick up.

Finally the door opened Teju came in she looked tired but happy also.

How was the meeting? I asked.

Teju: Excellent We'll get the deal soon!

Karan: Really!

Teju: Yes!

Karan: Congratulations 😍❤️

Teju: Thank you & Congratulations you too!!!!

Karan: Thank You Prin...I mean Teju!!

Later we went and had dinner. We ate continental dishes as It was her and mine favourite too. Then we sat in our gallery and talked about random things. And went to sleep.

Next day

I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly someone woke me up and that someone was none other than Teju.

"What happened?" I asked rubbing my eyes

Teju: You're not coming with me?

"Yess" and I jumped on the bed.

I went and had a bath, when I came out I saw Teju searching something in my suitcase.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Teju: I'm searching something for me to wear!

Karan: In my suitcase?

Teju: Yes I don't have anything good to wear!

Karan: Are you kidding me you literally took a whole suitcase for your clothes and saying you don't have clothes to wear?

Teju: Can I wear this hoodie!

Karan: No way, This is My fav hoodie I wear this on my Miami trip!!!

Teju: Please Karan Please, she made her perfect puppy face.

Karan: Ok but only for today! (Dil Mein to Laddo Fut Rahe Hai,Teju Normal Behave krne lagi hai!! I'm sooo happy)

Teju: Thank you!

And she ran in the bathroom. When she came out she was looking very cute in it, it was an White oversized hoodie so for her it was double oversized but it made her look cute. She tied her hair in a ponytail and wore her sneakers.

"How am I looking?" She asked

Karan: Cute!

Teju: Really!

Karan: Yes let's go now and have breakfast I'm hungry!

Teju: Ok!

And we went down and had our breakfast, we ate scrambled eggs and juice and then left.

To be Continue.....

Precap ~ Day Our in Banglore!!!

Here is one more chapter of the day!!!!
I hope you all loving itttt!!!!
Please give me your feedback & suggestions in comments section!!!

And don't forget to read my new story:

~ Your Chotu & New Writer ❤️

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