Part:66(Teju is Missing)

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And the box fell from her hand. She looked at me with surprised eyes but those eyes were not scared they looked happy.

"Karan it's a gun!!!!!!" She said.

Karan: Yes it is but why are you happy I mean you should be shocked!

"What's there to get shocked in it??" She said and started playing with it.

Karan: "Huh what??"

"Yes!" And she pointed the gun at the wall.

Karan: Teju no playing with it keep it back!!

Teju: No I want to use it!

Karan: What shut up ok keep it back!

"No!" And she pointed it at me.

Karan: Hey are you mad don't do it keep it back!

Teju: What if I pull the trigger??

Karan: I'll die you want it to happen??

"No you won't!" And she pulled the trigger.

I closed my eyes in fear I thought I'm going to see God in the next minute but I didn't feel any pain wait am I a superhero like Iron man or something like that?? No way it's something else.

"Open your eyes you are still alive!" She said.

I opened my eyes and sighed.

Karan: Are you out of your mind it would have hit me?

"No it wouldn't" and she kept it back in the box and back in the cupboard.

Karan: How can you say that????

Teju: Because I know how to use it!

Karan: Wait what?

Teju: Yes I know to use guns!!

Karan: Really!

Teju: Are you crazy or something like that if I didn't know you would be dead!!

Karan: Oh yeah that's true! But who taught you?"

Teju:I had a trainer I myself have a gun for security reasons which is gave by my uncle!!

Karan: Your Dad knows about??

Teju: Yes of course!

Karan: he didn't say anything??

Teju: As I said only for security reasons!

And she completed keeping the clothes in my cupboard.

Damn this girl knows everything. My wife is so amazing!! But one thing is for sure that I have fallen for her again and I'm going to propose her again because our past was not soo good, what about tomorrow yeah I'll tell her tomorrow.

"Hello... Are you sleeping with your eyes open??" She asked snapping her fingers

Karan: Uhh no!

Teju: Then come!

Karan: Where??

Teju: I think you were really sleeping we need to make dinner help me!!

"Oh yes come let's go!!" And we went down. As usual I had the work to cut vegetables, later we had dinner and went to sleep. Teju slept very fast but I was not able to because I was thinking about the plan for tomorrow.
Finally I slept at 2:00AM

TejRan~Office Tale ❤️Where stories live. Discover now