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The week his father Crepus passed he got assigned everything. The property, the industry his father used to run, the mora, literally everything.
His father gave him everything yet what Crepus did not give Diluc in the end is happiness. After crepus died Diluc has locked himself in his room laying in bed, starving himself, crying when he wakes up, crying when he goes to sleep yet he still ponders about this delusion. The red head only has one clue of where it comes from and it is this one logo that he has not seen often before and quite frankly he forgot the name of the organisation at this current moment.
The young man is still asleep vissibly having gotten slender, vissibly looking ill and depressed yet he wakes up to hearing rattling at his bedroom door before he hears the door open. Remaining silent he watches Adelinde step to his side of the bed, sitting down on the edge if it placing a gentle hand on Diluc his shoulder gently carressing it with her thumb "you have to eat Master Diluc"

Diluc had refused to eat for days now and now Adelinde picked the lock to his bedroom just so she could tell him to eat. Diluc just remains to look at the ground yet feeling a lock of his hair being moved out of his face a tear rolls down his cheek "I am not hungry Adelinde" he manages to get out while his red eyes would shift up to look up at the woman knowing she only is doing her job.

Giving in he would accually manage to sit up with her help."I will prepare some soup for you since that will be easy to digest.  Take your time with getting up, if you need help with getting down the stairs just call out for us" she spoke and with us she means the other maids working there as well.

Leaving Diluc his bedroom Diluc would slowly stand up and look at his hand that is wrapped up in bandages from when he fought Kaeya yet in that hand he is holding this delusion staring at it for a long while before he would let out a deep sigh, setting it aside before he would take a shower, get dressed and accually managed to leave his bedroom. The man would hold the delusion tightly in his hand entering his father his office and in truth he has cried so much he cannot breakdown anymore as at this point it becomes numbing and he is not able to cry; all he can do is let a few tears fall.

Looking over the messy desk he looks at the documents, the maps and he lazily would flip trough the pages of documents before he notices something, there is a pattern in the documents and all of a sudden Diluc his depression seems to go to the back of his mind as he browsers trough almost everything belonging to his father having seen the exact same logo from the delusion pop up maybe once or twice.
Looking at the maps again he would stack them ontop of eachother, hold them up and hold them up infrint of the window so the light can shine trough them revealing a secret route. "What were you up too..." he whipsers to hinself looking at the delusion in his hand almost seeming to say it like his father is there to awnser him.

Adelinde walks into the office and gives Diluc a kind smile yet that smile fades when she sees Diluc has disturbed every single piece in the office "your soup is done"

"Yes...thank you Adelinde" he spoke setting the maps down before he heads down the stairs to eat his soup yet when doing so he notices he still is wearing his vision which he rips off his belt and lays it on the table not thinking he is worthy of it, not seeing a use of it in it if he cannot protect his loved ones. "I will leave Mondstadt"

Such a anouncement sure is a surprise to many of the maids yet Adelinde does not seen that surprise. "Why will you leave Master Diluc?" The head maid asks.

Diluc finishes up the bowl of soup before he would stand up and shake his head to signal he will not tell "that is none of your concern. I do not know when I will return yet I entrust everything to Adelinde for the time that I am gone."

"Dont act so are not well"

"I will be fine Adelinde. Just do as you are told please...I need this" he spoke and with that he would leave the home to go to the location shown on the maps as it is somewhere near the border of dragonspine. Why would his father do business here? Yet seeing who has a camp set up there his eyes widen, dumbstruck he would look at The Fatui agents from a distance and this must be the people who his fathered traded with?
With tembling hands his claymore would appear in his hand as anger seems to blind him from reality as all he needs is revenge. He feels so angry just seeing Futui walking around thinking they hold some sort of he must put them in theie place...let them know their worth.

Charging towards the agents he would take them down without a vision as he now stands there tightening his grip on his claymore, breathing heavy and he is covered in blood still shaking from the anger and resentment he feels towards The Fatui...

"I will set this right" is what Diluc said within his head knowing that it will be a long journy but he needs to know about everything there is to know about this organization so that he can make his way up to kill the higher ups...he wants to kill them all just so he can avenge his father.

For The Heart Can Be Blind And Frozen [Diluc X Childe]Where stories live. Discover now