
705 17 20

Information for this chapter:
Diluc at the moment is in Snezhnaya killed agents uwu

Weeks pass, months pass and by now a whole year has passed.
Diluc has made a name for himself as The Dark Knight Hero as the name is very common amongst the abyss and The Fatui by now. Diluc is planning to murder out a whole camp in disguise so he had killed a Pyro agent (with blades) so he could take the uniform and dress up in it to hide his indentity.
Walking with a group of Fatui agents he blends in nicely yet he does not know this group of agents are avout to get reqruited yet when he figured that out he remains calm and goes along with it. "Are you nervous to get reqruited" one agent asks him unknowing of who he truely was...if thet discovered his identity they may take a run for it because of how scared they would get.

Diluc has to go along yet he keeps his posture straight and he shows no weakness. Not even glancing at the agent walking besides him he would awnser his question  "erm...no...there is nothing to be nervous about" he spoke in a monotone voice which can come over as cold.

One other agent laughs and keeos walking finding amusing that the othee is so confident and does not seem nervous.
Another looked shocked at the other which you cannot see because of his mask "you are not?! Oh I for sure am! Tartaglia will reqruit us" he spoke his voice shaky as he just looks down holding onto the gun nervously "I already miss my daughter. I hope I can return for the birth of my son"

Diluc never thought these agents had families so to hear that now he does feel pity for the ones he already killed wondering if they had families.

"Congratulations indeed!" Childe spoke and walks over to them giving them all a dashing smile "very well then. I will reqruit you and it will ne breeze! " he spoke yet his blue eyes shift to Diluc almost like he can see trough his act, see trough his disguise yet he remains silent about it.

✧━━༺ ▭ ✦✧✦ ▭ ༻━━✧

Back at the camp Diluc is sitting in his own tent waiting for everybody to go to sleep and once he sees all the lights in the tents and outside go out he waits for a little longer before he heads out holding the blades the agent he stole this uniform from has and enters one tent at a time silently killing them yet when Diluc is looking down at one of the sleeoing agents that is the one who is a father he hesitates...he pauses...because he lost his father aswell.

"Go on...kill him"

Diluc swiftly turns around and looks at The Harbinger leaning against the post of tent with crossed arms. Diluc did not expect to be caught, he did not expect Childe to return so quickly. "I was not-...'

"Oh no?  Then why are all the others dead and you are covered in blood hm? Red suits you very well Darknight hero" he grins and walks over pulling the other his mask of as he is greeted by a very angry face from Diluc "hmm...."

"What..." he spoke gripping on the blades tighter as he takes a step back to create some distance between them

Childe takes a step foreward and the more steps Diluc takes back the more the red head would step towards him as soon Diluc his back is pressed again to wooden post behind him which gives The Harbinger plenty of time to step foreward until they are face to face, close to one another, they can feel eachother exhale and even feel eachothers body warmth. "Not so much of a hero no-..." feeling something sharp being pressed against his troath Childe laughs finding this exciting and amusing all at once "I expect you to be ugly but you are quite-" feeling the blades get pressed a little against his troath he would take a step back "feisty..." is all The Harbinger said before he glances to the agent who still is asleep "why did you hesitate "

For The Heart Can Be Blind And Frozen [Diluc X Childe]Where stories live. Discover now