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Back in the harbor of Mondstadt they; Diluc and Childe, walk off the ship with Fatui agents following behind them as Childe happily holds Diluc his hand and they make their way to the city.
Diluc would finally be back and he does not know what others their reaction would be to the "gifts" he has for them.
The gifts he was forced to get from Childe as a kind gesture for his return to Mondstadt.
When entering the gates he walks into Klee who more so...bumps into him because she was running away from Jean so she wouldn't be put in time out.

Klee gasps seeing Diluc and smiles up at him "Master Diluc! You are back!"

Childe nudges Diluc before he as well looks down at the little girl dressed in all red "he got a gift for you?"

"A gift?! Oh what is it?! What is it?! What is it?!" She happily exclaimed that sentence over and over again. Diluc takes and then hands her the large Dodoko plushie he got made for her as Klee gasps. The plush is bigger then her yet she hugs it and is able to carry it surprisingly "thank you! It is the best! You are the best Diluc!"
(I know her voice lines. Time for her to say that to Diluc XD)

Jean catches up to Klee yet seeing her run off all happy with a big plushy barely managing to carry she places her hands on her hips and looks at Diluc "Don't encourage her behaviour by gifting her things after she bombed the lake again."

Both Diluc and Childe look at Jean not seeing the problem in that "She will only be a kid once. Let her have fun...let her have a good childhood full of memories" Diluc spoke crossing his arms looking at the woman standing before him.

"People can get seriously hurt! She can get hurt..." Jean facepalms and lets out a deep sigh.

Diluc remains silent before he speaks once more.
"Then the consequences will be hers and she will learn from it" The redhead shrugs and hands Jean the gift he got for her before he would straight up walk away to the tavern where he would encounter two of the people he had been looking for as he walks to the table where Kaeya and Venti are sitting at.
He didn't bring gifts from Snezhnaya but he sure has gifts for them here in Mondstadt.

"My~ to what do we owe the pleasure of the pressence of you master Diluc?" Kaeya spoke with a grin on his face looking up at the other while his cheek rests onto his hand as that arm its elbow is resting on the table

Diluc ignores Kaeya and his teasing all together and looks at Venti "I gift you a week of drinking whatever you want without any costs. Just free drinks for a week"

"You are so generous master Diluc! Are you sick?" Venti asks yet seeing the warning glare he stands up and runs to the bar to order a glass of dandelion wine to see if this gift is true.

Diluc turns to look at Kaeya having distain and anger in his eyes yet he pushes those feelings back and when he did so he seems to let go of it all. Seeing Kaeya stand up to leave he grabs the other his wrists to get his attention. His grip tightens around Kaeya his wrist as it is hard for him to say these words yet keeping his head hanging low his grip only would tighten; Before eventually letting go of Kaeya his wrist.
"I forgive you-...and...I apologise"

Childe had been monetoring Diluc closely and when on the ship when Diluc said he has a gift for Kaeya but still needs to process it he thought it was something that had to do with finances but no... It was just words he had to prepare for and he truely means those words as well.

Diluc sees Kaeya his eyes widen when he says and and freeze in place like he did not believe what he just heard.
"I am sorry Kaeya...
I have been terrible to you ever since that night and you don't deserve that because-..."
Diluc falls dead silent when Kaeya pulls him in a tight hug who seems to be a little bit shaking; was he crying?
The redhead was tense at first but he lets out a soft sigh and rests his chin on Kaeya his shoulder wrapping his arms around him, hugging him back, closing his eyes for a moment. He held so much hatred for Kaeya he did not know how much he missed these hugs they shared when younger...it made him forget all good memories yet since he is starting to get in a better place of his life with the help of Childe he remembers all these good memories and it makes him have a plan in his head. It is best to forgive and apologise to people now then later.
Diluc can feel Kaeya is secretly crying as he would just rub his back until he has calmed down so he can pull away from the hug as the two weakly and faintly smile at one another.
Kaeya was happy to have to old Diluc back who does not hate him anymore while Diluc smiles because he is happy this is resolved yet he will never forget.
"Do you need a drink?"

For The Heart Can Be Blind And Frozen [Diluc X Childe]Where stories live. Discover now