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Waking up his vision would be blurry and the lights would be exceptionally bright which makes him squint his eyes, raise his arm up to cover his vision from these blinding lights yet when his eyes adjusted more and his vision becomes more clear Diluc would remove his arm.
Looking to the side the red head would see Childe sit in a chair besides the bed asleep and seeing the other asleep and seeming to be very calm in his sleep his expression softens a little from his usual glare. Not saying a word he just lays there for a good while thinking of what happened and that he still sadly is here.
Not wanting to stick around any longer then needed too he would sit up in bed placing his feet on the ground ready to stand up yet in one swift move by force he is laying on the bed again with Childe having his hands onto his shoulders hanging over the other. "And I thought I was the insane one of us both. You still need rest"

"How long was I out for?"

"Does it matter? Doesn't seem you have plans to go to..."

Staring up at Childe Diluc just seems tired and he has no emotions on his face fully having gone numb to showing his emotions "I want to go back to Mondstadt "

Remaining silent The Harbinger removes his hands from Diluc his shoulders allowing for the other to sit up again. The man walks to stand infront of Diluc and takes the boots he had bought for the other, kneels down infront of him and helps to put them on "Place you foot on my tigh..."
Seeing the other do as told it would be easier to zip that boot up as he does the same for the other foot "there!" Childe smiles and stands up offering Diluc his hand "If you won't take it you will fall"

"I'd rather fall then to hold your hand" Diluc spoke and would stand up feeling himself grow very lightheaded almost collapsing yet Childe lets the other lean himself against his body.

Practically having to take Diluc in a embrace to keep him standing Childe would smile knowing how annoyed the red head probably is right now "I may need to carry you"
Hearing the other curse beneath his breath he laughs and pats his head gently only to feel his wrist being grabbed fully force and for him to be pushed away.

Diluc has gained enough strength to walk on his own again so after pushing Childe away from him he leaves the backroom of the pharmacy. Going to thank the doctor he does not see him anywhere so he cannot thank him which results in him starting to walk out of the harbor holding onto walls or trees for rest or to help him walk. Soon he watches the harbinger walk besides him with a smile on his face "why are you so cheerful? Why are you following me? Aren't you supposed to get back to Snezhnaya"

Childe shrugs and keeps the smile on his face stopping in his tracks when Diluc stopped walking for a small break because he still is not in the best condition since it has been a couple of days after so much blood loss. "They want me as far away from them as possible. I bring trouble they say and they do not want to be involved in my drama. They try to keep it all hush hush while I do not care about secrecy "

"I wish you stay away from me as far as possible as well..." Diluc spoke leaning against a tree yet when he sees the other hand him a flask of water he looks at hin suspiciously not wanting to take it since what if it is poisoned.

Childe opens the flask and takes a sip from it to show it is not poisoned before he would hand it to Diluc "I will escort you safely to mondstadt so I know you will not pass out along the way"

Wiping the saliva of the other off with his sleeve he would take a sip after, then another downing practically the whole bottle "why though? Why are you so persistent on helping me when I want to kill you"

The man would laugh and then smile at Diluc taking the emty flask from him putting it back on his person "why not? I am feeling rather bored and with you who knows whenever a fight will break out..." he spoke as they would walk side by side once again "Yet in truth...I am concerned for you. I know it is weird because we are at eachothers necks everytime we meet but when I saw you laying on the bathroom floor....all that blood. I almost cried" he spoke in a more so softer and caring tone not trying to be overly dramatic or enthusiastic.

For The Heart Can Be Blind And Frozen [Diluc X Childe]Where stories live. Discover now