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Waking up the roles seem reversed as Childe has his face burried in Diluc his chest and is holding tightly onto the other shivering even when he is holding onto somebody who's body is warmer due to his vision and is beneath the sheets for warmth. Diluc could feel the shivering against him and he knows he cannot leave the bed because the other needs all the warmth he can get. "Do you need a warm bath?"

Childe would shake his head and keep his eyes closed "I need you....."

Diluc would glare down at the other and remove his hands from the other "that is not happening. Let me go-..."

"I need you to stay with me. Your body is so warm...please just stay in bed with me" The Harbinger whispers softly and would move up to burry his face in Diluc his neck "please" he repeats that word weakly  while he practically lays ontop of Diluc now who could not go anywhere really right now. "It would be better if we were naked. Skin to skin touch is a incredible way to get warmth. What works even more affectively is sex-..."

Diluc seems more disturbed now and tries to get out of the other his grip yet it seems no ease so he would use a little more force and he would be ontop of the other gripping onto his shoulders seeming furious but before he would shout at him he catches a glimpse of the other his condition as he lets out a deep sigh. His pale complexion, The red irritated eyes as he visibly seems like he is going trough it. "Yesterday was a mistake" he spoke and gets off the other standing up so he can get ready for the day. Yet before he could put his blouse on and he only is in his pants he can feel the other hug him from behind seeming to shiver more "let go of me...next time I will accually hit you-..."

"Then I will tell you to hit me harder"
Childe spoke burrying his face in the other his back not knowing why he is shivering so much. He never has gotten this sick before "Don't be so cruel...share some heat with me"

Diluc turns around and pushes the other off him who lands on the bed "I will set you in fire. You will be warm then" finishing getting ready he leaves the bedroom seeming annoyed clearly as he just sits down with Klee to keep her company while they eat breakfast.

Once the breakfast was brought in amd put on the table the little girl her eyes widen because this is practically a feast for her "wow! This looks delicious! At the knights of favonius we often have to make the food ourselves or leave to buy some food. " she spoke seeming rather amazed by this "I can understand now why you hate the knight of favonius"

Diluc shakes his head a very soft and smile appearing on his face "I hate them for a other reason." He spoke and watches Childe walk down the steps being wrapped in blankets and sit down with them.

Klee looks at both men and having seen what happened last night she smiles brightly at them both "can you help me eat husband?" Childe asks Diluc.

Diluc chokes on his grapejuice and glares at Childe and oh if looks could kill... "I am fed up with you sh-...stuff" he spoke refraining himself from cursing because Klee is there.

"You two are married?"


When Diluc glares at the other a second time he can see Childe smiling at him "this imbecile is Childe. He sure acts like one. We are not even friends-..."

"Then why did you do what grown ups do? Why did you two kiss?" The little girl asks confused.

A silence falls over the mansion as Diluc doesn't know the awnser that himself. Why did he kiss the other?
Childe would laugh. Diluc balls his hands up in a fist before he stands up not having eaten at all "Childe go home back to Snezhnaya...I don't want to see you again. Klee I will take you to the city so I know you arrive there safely" he spoke and goes to put his coat on. "When I return you are gone...understood?"

For The Heart Can Be Blind And Frozen [Diluc X Childe]Where stories live. Discover now