Chapter 1- Realizations

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     It was a nonchalant spring day the town of South Park; the birds were chirping, the grass was green, Randy was probably pissing off Sharon. You know how it is.

    At this point in time, Stan, Kenny, Kyle, and Eric were in high school, around 16 years old. The boys were still friends, plotting schemes and getting themselves into whimsical situations. Yet, the winds of change were blowing throughout the mountain town , and shifting emotions were inevitable.

   Eric Cartman began his Saturday like any other; morning cartoons, repetitive childhood diet, and secretly caring for his stuffed animals, even into his teen years. He has made it a point to not make any plans with the guys this weekend. He played it off like he was going to do something "kewl", when in fact, he had nothing planned. Cartman's been feeling slightly off recently, and he doesn't want the guys to notice his weakness, especially when he's unable to pinpoint the source.

   Unexpectedly, he heard a knock at the door. "What the fuhk I need my goddamned peace and QUIET" he thought. Cartman opened the door to a chipper Butters. "Ooh hey Eric!", he greeted happily. Even into his teen years, butters never lost his impressive enthusiasm for life.

"Butters. I thought I told all of the guys, I am preoccupiehd this weekend" Cartman replied monotonously.

"Oooh I know I know, but something tells me you could use a buddy! I brought over a little nostalgic video game for you, rock band!"

Cartman looked at the video game DVD. Immediately, he had a wave of thoughts flood his mind. Memories of playing wii and Xbox with the boys, he longs for that feeling of contentment. Cartman doesn't want to admit it, but this might just be the distraction he needs from his mental gymnastics.

"... ok fiehne. You're lucky I still have all my Rockband stuff".


Cartman and Butters played for a bit. He played his secret favorite, "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga. Cartman's always been a fan of Lady Gaga but knows not to admit that. It felt nice to sing a throwback.

"WOOW, Eric! You really do seem to get into that song!!"

"Yeh, it always used to be my go-to song to pick. I remember when me kahl and kinny were playing it while Stan was freaking the fuchk out about whales. Later on kahl helped photoshop a picture to trick the Japanese.. haha that was awesome. And remember when we had to save kahl from San Francisco? I mean.. we NEVER mention that to anyone ever. But that was crazy haha"

Butters paused a half a minute. He has been meaning to talk to Eric about his recent conversational habits. Something was off, and it had to do with mentioning the past.

"Eric, you sure have reminisced a lot about past memories recently. Which is fine and all, but it almost seems like you have been especially thinking about the past often. Is there any reason for that? You know I won't judge you buddy:)"

Having been used to bottling up true emotions, Eric just needed to let something truthful out.

"Butters... I have not been myself, and I mean that."

Butters could sense that there was genuineness and weight to what eric was saying.

"Tell me more, Eric"

Cartman paused, slightly choked up. He didn't intend to get emotional. This is why he needed the day to himself, too late now.

"I... I've had this weird feeling in my chest when I think about the past sometimes. For some reason I keep thinking of kahl. Yeah. I know. KAHL. Last person you would expect, right? I just keep thinking of what we did as a kid and how I treated him. Part of me is.. oh god I cant believe I'm saying this.. is starting to feel.. bad for how I've treated him. Kahl's been a good friend and hes-((cartman begins to blush))sweet and caring and brave... I have this overwhelming urge to make it up to him. WHY? WHY BUTTERS. I just think it's too late now.. he'll hate me forever at this point."

Butters took a moment to reflect. Butters always had a very good knack for reading emotions and body language. He always had this sneaking suspicion that cartman had some sort of.. repressed feelings floating around for Kyle. Now butters is puzzled on how he is going to bring this up without getting the shit kicked out of him.

"Uhhh.. Eric, I think have an idea of what you might be going through.. but you have to promise me you won't hurt me no matter what I say!"

Cartman, desperate for some answers, agreed to not pummel the fuck out of butters, no matter how tempting.

"Eric... there is a chance.. you might have repressed feelings for Kyle. PLEASE DONT KILL ME"

Cartman heard these words. He didn't react. He stood there, stoic. Suddenly, another wave of memories washed over his entire being. Saving Kyle in San Francisco, singing a love song to Kyle in front of an audience and secretly not being ashamed of it even if it was masqueraded as something else, and most of all, almost losing Kyle to imaginationland. All these emotions ran deeper than the surface. The answer was now crystal clear.


Butters thought this was the end for him. He braced for impact.

"I.. I like kahl."

Shifting Emotions -a Kyman fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now