Chapter 7- Gentleman

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There is a slight wind blowing through the mountain town as Kyle, Cartman and Ike head to Stark's Pond. The sun casted an elegant glow, illuminating the mountain town, raising everyone's spirits. Ike hopped ahead while Kyle and Cartman walked side by side.

As soon as they arrived, Kyle helped Ike with his skates. Cartman was taking in the moment, looking at Kyle help Ike tie his skates neatly. Eric also took a moment to observe how much Kyle has changed.

In the past 6 years, Kyle got to be pretty tall, about 5"10. He still wore variations of green and orange clothing and jeans,now sometimes paired with a band t shirt. Today he wore a band shirt for the band "The Cure". It was representing their famous album "Disintegration". He wore a forest green corduroy jacket and black jeans. He also had amazing bone structure. God damn him.

And then there was his hair

His. Hair

Kyle still sometimes conceals his beautiful hair in a hat, but today it was visible. It was trimmed down a bit from when he was a kid, but still has that bushy volume. It's a little more shaped to his head. It looks great on him, Cartman thought to himself.

Kyle and Ike began skating away; Kyle held his hand at first until Ike felt comfortable enough to skate freely.

"Hey cartman check this out!"
Kyle lept and landed on his feet, gracefully skating around Stark's pond. Cartman remembered a while ago when Wendy would skate and Stan would get nervous and barf. That's how he felt right now.

Kyle was in the middle of performing a landing, and Cartman could already tell he was not going to stick the landing.

Cartman, without thinking, rushed over to Kyle and tried to break his fall. He somewhat caught Kyle while sliding himself. Kyle and Cartman ended up, sprawled out on the ice, entangled and looking at each other for a few seconds. Then they started laughing. That turned into belly laughing. It was such a sweet and silly moment, everything felt right.


"Heheh yeah I'm fine, especially since cartman broke my fall! How did you know I was going to fall, cartman?" Kyle asked sweetly. You could feel the gratitude radiating from him.

Cartman was just coming back to the reality of what he just did.

"I UHHH AHAHAHA I guess I just knew? I dunno it kinda looks like your foot was gonna land weirdly so I kinda just acted without thinking. Be careful, clumsy asshole."

Who was I speaking to, Kyle thought for the millionth time today. Even at Cartman's attempt at an insult there was still care in his voice.

"You being a gentleman? What did you do with the Eric Cartman I know hahaha"

Kyle just realized he used the word gentleman, which could be direct reference to a romantic gesture. Oh shit. That's not really what he meant but cartman did seem to act gentlemanly in the moment, so maybe Kyle did mean that. He figured he better start babbling.

Kyle blushed a little
"Uhhh but seriously, you know.... you've really changed, cartman. For the better"

"Ok did Kyle just call me a gentleman or am I tripping absolute BALLS", Cartman thought. Nevermind that. Kyle thinks he has changed? That's all he wanted to hear. Cartman can barely hold back the joy that Kyle just gave him from that sentence.

"R-really? You mean that??"

"Yeah dude :)"

Cartman did not want this to end.
"You wanna come back to my house to hang out after you drop off Ike?"

"Yeah sure! Maybe we can play a video game or card game or something" Kyle was clearly jumping for joy at the idea of this plan internally. Something about a new Eric is so exciting.

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