Chapter 19- Suspicions

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Hi, I DEEPLY apologize for the wait! Ive been having a constant writer's block until today. It felt so good to write again! I couldn't help but notice my story was #2 on the Kyman tag! That's insane! Lol anyways I hope you enjoy. I plan on writing a lot more things very shortly😎

Kyle's blaring alarm brought an immediate sensation of dread. He shut it off abruptly and stared into space, unsure of how he was going to manage getting through the day running on minimal hours of sleep.

He tossed and turned the entire night, enclosed in a spiraling storm of anxiety. He does not like that he is not in control of what is going to happen.

He got ready hastily, as he was already running behind, which is not normally the case.

Sheila noticed how tense Kyle was quickly.

"Koiyuhl what's with all the rush? You should have been awake earliah young man."

"I'm sorry ma, I didn't get much sleep last night. Tossing and turning. It sucked." Kyle prayed that the questioning didn't go further. He was not in the mood to dive deep into his psyche.

"Aww I'm sorry sweetie, it happens"

Thank GOD, Kyle thought

Kyle ran down the stairs, too anxious to eat so he just left
"Alright I'm leavin'! Bye ma" Kyle shouted

Bye sweetie!" His mom called, making a mental note to notice if this type of behavior continues.


Cartman tried not to think about what could possibly happen. And it was working.. until he woke up.

The idea of being in a school environment and having to hide your affections for the person you've loved for years and now can openly love was daunting to say the least.

He sat on his bed.. surprisingly visited by his buddy Cupid Me

"Oh Cupid me.... how do I act normal around the light of my life?" Cartman said, genuinely looking for answers

"Eric... teehee.. you're gay"

"NO I'm not.. oh yeah no I am"

"I'm glad you've finally come to terms with something so jarringly obvious.. teehee. Just fake it til you make it. Be calm, be chill. Just be yourself, fruitcake!"


"Is eveeything alright hun?" Liane called. She was used to him talking to himself at this point. She just didn't want him to forget about leaving for school

"OH YEAH MEEM IM GOOD" Cartman said, snapping back into reality

"Be yourself.. be yourself.." Cartman whispered as he was opening his front door.


Stan and Kenny were alone at the bus stop, feeling the weight of the obvious emptiness.

"Man.. what have Kyle and Cartman been even up to these days?" Kenny said, barely audible thanks to his his trusty orange parka.

"You know... they were hanging out the other day. Bizzare if you ask me.." Stan said, trying to hide the slight hurt in his voice.

He felt genuine surprise at the reality of those two getting along. They were all older now, so it makes more sense now that they've matured a bit. Yet, Stan couldn't help to feel that something has shifted. Something that he wasn't aware of. It's not the idea of them hanging out that makes him upset, it's the mystery of what changed things to make them get along so well.

Stan spotted Cartman coming to the bus stop, confused to see Cartman before Kyle. Kyle was always on time.

"Sup guys.." Cartman said. He didn't know if he should immediately ask where Kyle was. He was overthinking which one would be more strange: if he did ask where Kyle was or if he was nonchalant about Kyle's whereabouts.

"Heyy Cartman.. do you know where Kyle is?" Stan felt completely like a fish out of the water, actually depending on Cartman for knowledge about Kyle's location.

Cartman froze. He was extremely in his own head at this point. He felt as if every word, every articulation was going to be immediately analyzed.

"Uhhhh I dunno I'm not his gate keeper"
Cartman nervously replied. He figured that would be a typical response.

Stan gave Cartman a side eye, and just decided to mind his own business.

Two minutes later, Kyle came rushing to the bus stop.

"Hi guys!" Kyle said after he caught his breath

"Hey man you good?" Kenny asked

"Oh yeah.. I just had some trouble sleeping last night so I woke up later thank I usually do."

This added a little bit of a mysterious undertone in Stan's eyes. Since when did Kyle have trouble sleeping?

"Isss eveeything alright at home?" Stan asked.

"Ohhh yeah yeah everything's cool. I just couldn't sleep at all." Kyle regretted saying that last part. It sounded more dramatic than he wanted it to.

"Ohhh okay" Stan replied, more suspicious than ever. His overprotective nature over Kyle was undying after all these years.

Meanwhile, Cartman was observing Stan's tone of voice and facial expressions carefully. He knew that something was up, and he hopes Kyle could see that.

He also couldn't help and look at his love. He was wearing a Jane's Addiction shirt and form-fitting black jeans. It suited him so well, Cartman thought.

The bus rolled into the stop about a minute later, cutting off any time for awkward conversations.

"Jeeeeesus it's gonna be a long day" thought Kyle exhaustedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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