Chapter 17- Pillowtalk

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The rays of the morning sun cascaded across Eric's face, briefly blinding him. He turned his head away and squinted at the scenery before him. There he lay, in Kyle's room, wearing a Smiths t-shirt, existing in an opaque consciousness . It all felt too surreal. He craned his head to his right to see Kyle very much asleep. Eric wondered if he'll feel hungover once he wakes up.

Eric couldn't help his eyes gravitating towards his sleeping face. He looked so peaceful like this, a true sleeping beauty. Eric noticed his freckles were starting to become more prominent on his face since the sun is starting to shine more often. His freckles were reminiscent of distant stars in a hazy sky. Eric enjoyed the mere chance to notice his features; they were incandescently beautiful.

"Maybe he's not tooooo asleep" Cartman wondered. He lightly pet his head to see if he would react. Kyle rustled a bit, then slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morniiing" Kyle said sweetly.

"Good morning! I didn't mean to wake you up or anything. Do you need to go back to bed?"

"Noooo I should probably wake up. How was your sleep?"

"Surprisingly good, I didn't know if I was gonna be able to sleep with everything swirling around in my brain".

"Like what?" Kyle got closer to him and held his hand, looking into is hazel eyes.

Carrman held his hand back, his fingers affectionately rubbing Kyle's knuckles back and forth. "Ohh just the usual you know, 'Kyle is your boyfriend this is insane', 'I'm with the person I've loved for years and couldn't show it', stuff like that" he said with a slight sarcastic tone.

"Hey! That's better than the intrusive thoughts you had before" Kyle smiled

Eric briefly forgot about that heavy talk before all the romantic events happened. He really let it all out yesterday. And tomorrow was.... skewl.

"You're right, Kahl. But you know what I just remembered?"

"What's up?"

"Tomorrow is.. Monday. Skewl."

"OHHH WOWW wow. I hadn't really thought about us going into school at all. My mind has been a bit foggy to say the least" Kyle softly chuckled.

"Oh by the way, you got a hangover?"

Kyle paused to analyze how he felt physically. "Umm.. I mean my head kinda hurts"

"Aww yeah, I think you might have a small one haha"

"DO NOT LAUGH.. I mean I did get a little wild" Kyle admitted

"You might just have a weak tolerance to that kinda stuff too. HahAHAHA"

"Hey I bet you do too! You don't drink much, right?"

"I think I have a better tolerance because I'm bigger than you, Kahl." Cartman said, slightly quieter.

"There's nothing wrong with that! You're like a bear.. that can tolerate more.." Kyle trailed his sentence off, not quite sure what to say.

Cartman laughed, amused at Kyle's attempt to make him feel better "Nice effort there. It's okay, I think it's kinda kewl I can tolerate more. It also means I can look after you in these situations."

Kyle felt the sensations of butterflies in his chest "Awww, Cartmannn" he scooted over closed to him and cuddled his chest. "I look forward to that"

Cartman rubbed his back softly. "Me too, but we gotta talk about skewl tomorrow.. so uhh.. what are you feeling comfortable with?" Cartman was curious about Kyle's response. Personally, Cartman wished he could show affection to Kyle and gush about him in public, but he knew this came with a lot of risks.

"Well.. you see, what's interesting is that we were kind of known as enemies for so many years.. but everyone will just have to deal with the fact that things change. I'm sure Stan is going to feel sooo blindsighted. I hope he doesn't feel like I'm keeping things from him. Is there anybody's reaction you're worried about?" Kyle asked.

Cartman paused to think. "I'm more worried about people making fun of you for being with me. You saw how Heidi got treated by her friends when that was a thing.. I don't want to see you getting hazed. I would understand why people would, but I just don't want you to have to worry about it" Cartman said, sorrow and regret flowing through his words.

"I promise you, people do not see you for solely the kid you used to be! And I mean yeah, like I said it will be a shock to people. That's just going to be something we will work through together. Especially because neither of us are out of the closet."

"OH GOD yeah that's true.. Can I ask you a question?" Cartman asked, still holding onto Kyle.

"Yeah of course!" Kyle loved the idea of Cartman wanting to communicate and learn more about each other.

"When did you.. find out.. yknow, about being gay" Cartman was worried that question was too invasive.

"Ummm well.. since we are uhh.. together.. I guess I should tell you.. basically when I had the whole jealousy thing with you and Heidi.. I did consider the possibility of me liking boys. I was like, 'Why am I having these burning sensations of jealousy in my chest over a guy that's only supposed to be my friend?' It just didn't feel normal.. so ever since then I have been mentally open to the possibility of me being.. gay. There really hasn't been a moment where I was ready to wave a rainbow flag anywhere or anything.. I mean hey. Now I can say with confidence I'm fucking gay as fuck. It's a little bit new and not so new at the same time if you know what I mean. Kinda like a puzzle connecting. Soooo.. how about you! Was there a specific moment you knew?"

Cartman was surprised that Kyle's realization came from HIS OWN actions.. WOW

"Uhh welll as you know, I've felt a magnetic attraction to you from a young age.. when you were gonna move away.. I think that might've been the first time i acknowledged a feeling for you that went beyond friendship. I never knew how to interpret it, being a kid and all. Well, flash forward to this year.. you know how a couple days ago me you and Stan were going to hang out and I said I had something else to do? Well I didn't. I was just feeling nauseous, I couldn't understand why being around you made me so nervous. So Butters actually made a little surprise visit. He noticed that I wasn't feeling well, and I basically told him that I couldn't stop thinking of you. And he was like 'well hey, you might like Kyle' and I was like oh shit I do."

Cartman paused to look at Kyle's face. Kyle stared in awe, wanting to know more.

Cartman continued "Now me knowing I was gay? I guess I kinda always knew I was never completely heterosexual . I mean you've even seen that I'm always the first to dress like a girl, or dress flamboyant if the situation calls for it. I always felt oddly comfortable, presenting as someone who isn't afraid to be colorful"

Kyle reached for Eric's hand, softly petting it. "You're so well spoken. I hope you know that about yourself" Kyle spoke from his heart.

Cartman smiled, overwhelmed with gratitude "I really really appreciate you" Cartman kissed Kyle's forehead.

"Soo about school.. maybe we should just go in like everything is normal?" Like.. we don't have to act like we're not dating but we don't have to announce it? Everyone will know soon enough" Kyle said.

"Okay, we'll see how this goes. Want me to make you breakfast?" Cartman asked

"ID LOVE THAT" Kyle squealed, ecstatic.

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