Chapter 10- Affinities

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After embracing for a few minutes, Cartman pet Kyle's hair slowly, care pulsating through his touch.

Kyle's eyes widened. He was initially shocked by Eric's loving gesture; however, he quickly welcomed it, brushing over eric's hand with his own.

"Would you wanna go downstairs and play video games?" Kyle asked Cartman, smiling.

"Yeah but I WILL kick your ass" Cartman replied, enthusiastic about the idea of hanging out with his favorite person in the world, no tension present.

"We'll see asshat"

They headed downstairs, voracious for a friendly competition. Both boys had a fuzzy and warm sensation flowering throughout their chests. The sheer release of stress has made both of them giddy with gratitude and happiness.

They played for a little bit, however they both possessed an appetency for a one on one connection instead of staring at a screen.

"I kicked your ASS Cartman, what do you have to say to that!" Kyle beamed with joy, nothing beats the satisfaction of kicking the ass of the guy that's essentially confirmed he's been in love with you for years. This is too fun.


"It's ok, Cartman. You suck."


Kyle giggled at Cartman's incessant rage, Cartman laughed at his own comedic anger with him.

"Heeey kahl, I have Uno upstairs if yew wanna switch to something else and play that instead..." Cartman seemed to be subtly challenging Kyle to a rigorous game of Uno.

"Yeah that sounds cool! I could put on music for us to listen to" Kyle most likely had his new playlist for the month ready. Kyle's very proud of his diverse music taste and loves to share music he discovers with people who are willing to listen. The act of showing someone you are close with your personal interests and them reciprocating is almost a love language to him.

The two headed upstairs, encompassed in their affinities for each other.

Shifting Emotions -a Kyman fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now