Chapter 8- Breaking Point

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   Cartman and Kyle dropped Ike off shortly after the previous events. They walked to cartman's house with bubbly feelings in their chest. "It's so strange to have these feelings around someone you've known for years", Kyle thought to himself. They talked about school related topics like classes and recent teacher drama. It felt light hearted, not tense like it has been in the past.

   "Have you seen Heidi lately?" Kyle asked out of the blue. Kyle was curious; he wanted to make sure anything that had to do with those two was over and buried in the ground. Kyle knew that Heidi was not good for him, but at the same time, he felt this burning sense of sadness when he was with Heidi. He'll never forget that feeling of his heart dropping when he saw Heidi and cartman holding hands for the first time.  This burning sensation could've been jealousy, but Kyle doesn't like to think about that.

   "Ohhh uh no honestly I haven't seen her. We don't talk anymore" cartman replied.

It seemed like cartman wanted to say more, but they just arrived at his house. He couldn't take much of acting normal anymore.

"Hello, Kyle!" Cartman's mom greeted happily. Liane always was delighted to see Kyle since he seemed like a sweet and smart kid.

    "Hi ms. Cartman!"

Cartman and Kyle headed upstairs to relax.

Cartman closed the door and sighed. "... I've been thinking a lot ever since we got to high skewl" he said remorsefully

Kyle beamed with curiosity "..go on"

     "now that you've mentioned heidi it's got me thinking.. what I did was awful and maniacal."

Kyle waited for more.

    "K-kahl" cartman's voice was breaking up.

"What's going on? You can talk to me Cartman,  it's alright."

Cartman started sniffling, which quickly turned into sobbing. Kyle frantically looked around for tissues for eric. He found some on his bedside table and handed him the box.

"I-I've been thinking so much.. oh god..
about you. I cannot stop thinking about YOU" cartman cried

It was hard to tell what the HELL cartman meant by all that. Kyle was giving him time to explain despite Kyle wanting to ask a million questions.

"You've been thinking about me?"

Cartman took a minute to realize what he said. oh GOD OH GOD OH..

Eric took a breath. "Y-yes. I've been uh thinking.. and yknow.." Cartman seemed to be overflowing with emotions.

"I hope. I hope you don't hurt. Because what I've done to you for years. I don't want you to hurt kahl. You are such a gem. To everyone. To this town. To ME. Um.." more sobs followed.

Kyle couldn't believe this. He needed to know everything. Every last detail of what the fuck he means.

"I'm listening to you, cartman"

"That's good to know.. haha" cartman blows his nose "um.. I've done things. Insane things, as you know. And I cant make up for it. I cant. And I'm not pulling your leg here. No schemes or anything. I just need you to know, I NEED you to know that you're amazing, and you never deserved all the shit I put you through. I put you through all that stuff because.. I think I repressed deep down something and I'm uhh really not sure what.."
cartman was NOT about to lay it out on the table he likes Kyle, noo way.

Cartman continued "but I uh.. I want you to know you're just really special to me. This whole time you have been. All those times I called you a Jew, like that's MY Jew yknow? Haha.. oh god I sound like an idiot.. anyways it's been killing me inside recently. I don't know what's going on kahl, I just have been a mess."

Kyle took a second. He came over to Eric, walking really close. He looked him straight in the eye, with a look of understanding and compassion. Kyle hugged him lovingly. Cartman continued to cry in his arms.

"I-I can tell you more." Cartman whispered

Kyle rubbed his back while hugging it "it's okay you can take your time with this. This is a huge deal for you, Cartman. Do you want to get into pajamas, get comfortable or anything? I could make you tea."

"S-sure Kahl"

Cartman let kyle borrow pajama pants so they could both be comfortable. Kyle made cartman tea, and they went back upstairs to continue talking. Cartman had a lot more to say, and so did Kyle.

Shifting Emotions -a Kyman fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now