Chapter 4- Adrenaline

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Cartman's POV

After Cartman left butters, he decided to go on a walk for fresh air, feeling stifled from their intense conversation. He just needed to think. How is this possible. Cartman never would have thought of himself as gay at all throughout the years. He is aware that he has enjoyed some pop culture within the LGBT community, and always kept it hush hush. He never really thought he was hiding an identity, just that he was keeping his interests away from everybody so he does not get ripped on.

Let alone have feelings for KAHL. Cartman is starting to feel everything he has done make so much more sense. His head is spinning into a thousand different trains of thought.

Eric sees someone walking down the street.

That immediately recognizable hat.


A surge of panic and adrenaline courses through his veins. He doesn't know if he can face Kyle with these newfound realizations. He also said he was busy today so now he has to make up something, QUICK.

He acted as if he was on a phone call

"Yeah uh huh butters I told you that video game sucks haha. Yeah I did. AHAHA.."

What cartman didn't think of was that was going to draw attention.

"Cartman?" He hears Kyle's sweet voice say.

"Butters I'm gonna hang up now. Bye."

"Oh hey kahl. Whatchew up to"

He tries to have a calm and nonchalant voice. His voice cracks.

Kyle noticed the strange behavior.

"Oh I was just walking back to my house. I promised Ike I would take him skating. Heyyy if you're not busy you can come with! I know you probably don't but, I just thought I'd offer." He says with a smile.

He seems inviting. Like ACTUALLY wanting cartman to come join him.

"You know.. maybe I will" cartman smiles back at him.

Not that evil, maniacal smile that Kyle is used to. A warm and gentle smile that Kyle is not used to seeing on Cartman's face.

"Okay let's go!" Kyle leads the way back to his house.

Cartman is grateful that he didn't pick up on the fact he was supposed to be busy, but now wants to bang his head on a WALL. How is he going to act normal through this.

Shifting Emotions -a Kyman fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now