Chapter 13- Implications

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    Kyle and Cartman actually ended up passing out for about an hour. Cartman was the first to begin to wake up out of the two, slowly opening his eyes to see Kyle snuggled on his chest and laying diagonally across the bed. Cartman took a moment to take in the situation. First of all, he thought it was funny that Kyle was one of those people who lay diagonally across the bed.
"Fuckin dork" Cartman thought, with love of course. Butterflies danced around his chest.

  The last thing Cartman wanted to do disturb sleeping beauty, but he still decided to pet Kyle's hair against his better judgement. Kyle still didn't wake up until about 15 minutes after that.

"C- Cartman?" Kyle said groggily "how long did I pass out for? Oh no did I kick you in my sleep?"

Cartman softly laughed at his genuine concern over whether he kicked Cartman. "Your worry over me being physically hurt by you is the most ironic thing I've heard. When we were 10, you would've kicked me for fun!"

"You know what? I still would" Kyle smiled, a teasing glimmer in his eyes

"But seriously, how long was I out for?"

"A little over an hour. Don't worry, I slept too. I just woke up a little before you. I got the treat of witnessing you diagonally sprawled across the bed"


They both chuckled, basking in the silliness of the moment.

"You know.." Cartman began "they say people can fall asleep easier when they're around someone that makes them comfortable."

Kyle's heart did a flip at his unexpected comment. Since WHEN would Eric Cartman bust out the most romantic thing possible. Kyle was at a loss for words.

"R-really? Cartman..  that's so sweet"

"Yeah, and I have trouble sleeping, but I completely passed out for about an hour just now"

"So you.. you feel comfortable around me?"

"Kahl I don't think I would be cuddled up with you here right now if I was repulsed by you."Cartman's face automatically dawned a smile. Merely saying these words of love and affirmation to Kyle openly is enough to put a smile on his face.

"I wonder what happened to me being a dirty Jew.." Kyle squinted

"You've evolved from dirty jew into my personal beloved wonderful dirty jew" Cartman gave a mocking face.

Kyle hit his arm "HEYYYYY"

Kyle still felt the need to address what Cartman said about feeling comfortable.

"Cartman.. I feel comfortable around you too. I mean, we really have been through hell and back together, but I think that might be the reason why I feel so comfortable. You know me so well, and I know deep down you'd fuck up anyone who would try to actually hurt me. I mean I don't think a person could feel safer around another."

Cartman hugged him tightly. He's so happy he could really cry tears of gratitude.

"I'm so happy I make you feel safe. I would love to be that person for you."

Kyle realized this is definitely an implication that this is not going to be over. This is going to last.

"Cartman.. would you wanna come over for dinner tonight?"

"Yeah sure!!"

They stayed in bed for a little longer, intertwined in each other's thoughts.

Shifting Emotions -a Kyman fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now