Chapter 5-Butterflies

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~From now on, the story is told from a third person point of view showing both Kyle AND Cartman's thoughts~

Cartman feels the heat rising to his face as him and Kyle are walking together to pick up Ike. "There is no way I am having these feeling right now" cartman thought to himself, frustrated.

"Oh, did you get my text?" Kyle says

"Oh dude sorry I haven't been on my phone"

Kyle immediately is taken back by the words out of Eric Cartman's mouth. Him, apologizing for not even doing anything wrong? Okay maybe he really is changing.

"Oh it's ok dude. You don't have to check it now.." Kyle was feeling the embarrassment already

By the time Kyle was saying that, he was already checking.

A simple text from Kyle

hope you feel better dude

Eric feels his chest flutter and heat once again rising to his face.

Kyle sees that he saw it

"O-Oh yeah I wasn't sure if you were feeling sick but I thought it was unusual for you to not hang out with us, so I figured you might not be feeling well".

"Why is Kyle the sweetest. Ever." Cartman wondered.

But wait.

Kyle was thinking about him?

Oh. My god.

Cartman was a bit choked on his words. He felt as if his heart dropped to his ass. He decided to approach it from a bit of a teasing standpoint to make it seem like he feels normal about this.

"Ohhh so you were thinking about me" cartman says in a mocking tone, a slight smirk appearing on his face. He was so tempted to make a joke about Kyle being obsessed with him, but he didn't want to take it too far. Not yet, anyway.

"In your dreams, fatass" Kyle said it in such a light mocking tone that cartman knew that Kyle was just playing with him. It almost seemed like Kyle even had a smile on his face. A SMILE??

Meanwhile, Kyle was thinking about how he actually WAS thinking about Cartman and how the gesture surprisingly was coming from a place of compassion.

A couple minutes after that, they arrived at Kyle's house.

Kyle hopped in front of Cartman to hold the door for him.

"Thank yew, kahl"

Something just felt so right in this moment, both of them thought.

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