Chapter 9- Reciprocations

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Kyle handed Cartman his chamomile tea. It was too hot to drink at the moment, so he blew on it. Kyle made some rose tea with a little bit of half and half for himself, then they headed upstairs.

Cartman sniffled a bit "thank yew kahl"

"It's no problem, I just want to make sure you're comfortable when you're sharing all of this heavy information. I imagine it must feel really strange considering you've been holding in so much."

Cartman sighed, finally able to have a stabilized breathing pattern again "yes i feel lighter. I was getting so much chest pain and intrusive thoughts, it felt like I as being tortured."

"What kind of intrusive thoughts?" Kyle asked gently

".. uhh basically like 'you ruined Kyle's life', 'you ruined Heidi's life', 'there's thousands of people walking around miserable because you exist'.."

"Cartman, if it makes you feel better, that was six years ago. I think we have all had time to process these things and cope with them."

"BUT YOU SEE the fact that I have done so much damage that people have to cope with what I've done."

"Cartman it's alright. Breathe"

Cartman almost folded again at the sound of Kyle's comforting voice.

"Kyle I've been wanting to tell you something for years"

"You haven't just told me stuff you've been wanting to tell me for years? Hahaha :)"

I'm so glad Kyle is light hearted about this whole thing, Cartman thought

"Haha nooo silly, this is different"

Kyle's heart felt funny after hearing that

".. okay remember when your family moved to San Fransisco.. and and you were surrounded by acid dropping fart smelling hippies"

"....... Yes" Kyle said flatly.

It was so hard to take cartman seriously with the terminology he was using.

"... and you magically ended up safe from the smug storm.. um. HAHAHA this is embarassing."

Kyle started to understand what Cartman was trying to say.

"I. I saved you. Butters actually helped me and I told him to never ever tell anyone, but it was my idea and I had to get you out of there"

"Well that's funny because I specifically remember stan telling me you threw a going away party for me, WITHOUT ME THERE." Kyle yelled

"YES YES I DID but you see.. what I'm trying to say, my beloved Jew, Is that this is when I realized how much I need you in my life. I mean for God's sake I went to CALIFORNIA to save your ass"

Kyle laughted a little. "Wow this whole time you really were the one obsessed with me, amazing. No but seriously thank you for saving me. And you didn't even do it for anything in return, see that's the eric cartman I would love to know"

"But kahl.. I technically did do it for something in return."


"For you to stay here."

Kyle's chest is feeling a million feelings that he can not decipher for the love of him right now.

".o..oh right" Kyle said

"And also, I don't know if you remember what happened with imaginationland, but do you remember how you got in that hospital?"

"Honestly.. no I just remember being attacked., blacking out and waking up in the pentagon and then back in the hospital.. you.. you were there, Cartman"

"Well... I.. I started freaking out. And I slapped you a few times.. haha.. and then I started pumping on your chest and crying." Cartman's voice slightly broke. It pains him to remember this moment.

"I screamed at the people with the the defibrillator to use their machine. They thought you were gone. I fought for you because I knew you were so strong and you would come back to me. That's one thing I could never deny about you. You were never weak, always so strong, mentally and physically. I mean.. you hit me pretty hard a couple of times haha"

Kyle's jaw was on the FLOOR.

"You. YOU are the reason I'm alive? AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME? OH MY GOD. I'm walking around, on this earth BECAUSE OF YOU THIS WHOLE TIME." Kyle's voice was raised, he wasn't angry, just merely amazed.

"Oh I never really thought about it that way, but yeah I guess" Cartman truly didn't even think of himself as a savior at all before.

"Wooooooowwww" Kyle said in awe

"Heheeh crazy isn't it"

"Well... I guess I have something to tell you too"

Cartman didn't expect this at all, he thought that he could be the only one with secrets.

"Oh shit.. go on"

"I know this is nowhere near a big deal as what you just confessed to me, but remember the whole Easter thing when your stupid ass god tied up in the people investigating the 'Jewpacabra'" and they stuck you out there, trapped and cold. You were so scared"

"Oh yeah and then I magically got back.... WAIT A MINUTE"

"Yeah. I couldn't get the image of you out of my head, freezing cold and alone in the forest. So. I got up in the middle of the night, took my dad's pliers, cut you loose, brought you home, took off your shoes and tucked you into bed"


"YES. ME."



There was about 3 seconds of silence, and then they both started laughing, completely engulfed in their own personal moment of bliss.

"This.. this is crazy" cartman smiled while saying this. He sips his chamomile tea, feeling loved and comforted in this moment.

"I know!" Kyle smiled back.

" really proud of you, Cartman." Kyle said, a little choked up and nervous

Cartman didn't know how to react.

Overwhelmed with emotions, he bear hugged Kyle. Kyle embraced him and affectionately rubbed his back. They held each other for a good few minutes, both of their hearts beating irregularly.

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