Chapter 2- Reminiscing

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    Butters slowly lowers his hands guarding his face, in disbelief that Eric Cartman isn't kicking the everloving fuck out of him for suggesting he has feelings for Kyle, of all people

    "Eh-ehric? You like kahl?"

Cartman, still stiff as a board, is at a loss for words. There is an indescribable feeling burning sensation racing through his chest and stomach simultaneously. Everything feels altered, he feels as if he's seeing through new eyes.

Eric finally returns to reality after about three minutes.


Butters jumps at the sudden booming sound of Eric's voice




The atmosphere in the room was tense, and neither knew how to continue this conversation. Butters didn't want to pry, but he was beaming with curiosity and proud of cartman for coming to a realization.

Meanwhile, Cartman didn't know if he wanted to erase the past 10 minutes of his life or deep dive into analyzing himself with the help of Butters.

Cartman took a deep breath.

   "Butters, I am guessing you have questions."

    "I... I just want you to know it's okay to feel like this. You seem frustrated and confused, I don't mean to pry Eric, but did you just come to this realization?"

    Cartman paused.

    "Yeah... it seems like I just have. When we all got to high skewl, I slowly got a change of heart with kahl. I kind of started to see him as the sweet and gentle person he is. I still pick on him a bit, and he still goes back and forth with me. It's always been our thing. I know it might seem like I've meant him harm over the years, but the truth is... I think I've just always liked the fact he never took any bullshit yknow? Something about him and his stubborn caring nature... he's even showed he's cared about me despite everything I've done."

Cartman realized how much he just shared and suddenly became self conscious.

    "Holy shit Butterhs if you tell anyone I've said this..."

   "I WON'T I WONT. But just know that you can talk to be from now on about this. I know you won't be able to have anyone else that knows, so I'll be your buddy:)"

Cartman felt a wave of gratefulness for this newfound safe haven.

   "Butters.. I owe you one."

The boys decided to part ways soon after the conversation. Eric needed his alone time, and even Butters required some time to himself to process thoughts.

"What fuck just happened" both of them thought to themselves.

~ Next chapter will pick up with Kyle's Saturday POV ~ :)

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