Chapter 6- Conflictions

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    When Kyle and Cartman entered Kyle's home, The first thing Cartman spotted was Ike putting together a puzzle from across the room.

     Ike was now 10 years old. He was ahead of his grade in every aspect. One thing that never changed was how much he looked up to Kyle. Cartman always admired how great of a big brother Kyle is. Sometimes he thinks to himself that maybe he wouldn't have turned out the way he did if he had someone like Kyle, or any good influence for that matter, in his house.

"Cartman!" Ike exclaimed immediately as they walked in the door.

"What's goin on Ike?" Cartman asked, friendly and bubbly

"I'm doing a puzzle!!!!"

Cartman looked at Ike's puzzle

"Woah Ike! An 1000 piece puzzle? I can't even focus on a 500 piece one"! Cartman said, admiring the kid.

Kyle really liked how Cartman was treating Ike. He never really had to worry about Cartman picking on Ike, he always seemed like he drew the line at picking on little kids.

"Hey Ike, would you mind if Cartman came ice skating with us?" Kyle asked.

Cartman couldn't help but notice Kyle had a bit of a hop to his step; he seemed happier than usual. Wonder what that was about.

"I don't mind at all Kyle, but do you have skates for him? Ike asked.

Kyle's eyes widened "Ohhh good point Ike, always one step ahead haha. Sorry I didn't think of that Cartman!"

Cartman, struggling to keep his composure, finally came up with an answer

"Guys it's fien yew go on ahead"

    Cartman figured that it would probably be best to not be around Kyle anyway at the moment, no matter how much he wanted to be in his company.

    Kyle was surprised that cartman was so quick to bail. "NOO cartman you should still come! You won't be able to skate, but it's better than going home alone and being bored!" Kyle was trying to hide the fact he actually wanted to spend time with Cartman and continue to try to notice how he has changed. It has almost become a fun challenge for Kyle.

Cartman's heart, once again, was in his ass.

Kyle WANTED him to come.

   He felt widely torn between going and staying behind. If he went, he would risk making a fool out of himself in his frazzled state of mind. However, if he did not go with them, it would make him look like he has not changed and he doesn't want to hang out with Kyle alone, when in fact that's ALL he wants.

"Okay okay I'll go, since you're sooooo obsessed with me" cartman responded without thinking.

Kyle didn't argue that one for once.

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