Chapter 18- Apprehensions

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Hi!! It's been a while since I uploaded. I had a bit of writer's block and have been taking time to read different genres to gain inspiration. Also I just finished Hannibal and will most likely be making hannigram fanfiction as well, so stay tuned if you're into Hannibal:)

Cartman gave Kyle a brief kiss on the cheek. Kyle attacked him with a swift bear hug. Cartman used the mobility available to him to embrace him back.

"I'm gonna go start making breakfast for you, you can relax in bed if you want" Cartman said, a nurturing tone flowing in his voice.

"Noo I'll come down with you!" Kyle said excitedly. He needed to see Cartman do this loving gesture with his own eyes. They sprint downstairs, fueled by their hunger and giddyness.

Cartman has taken an interest to cooking recently, so this was an invigorating opportunity to practice his hobby for someone he cares about. He was fiercely determined to make it exquisite and got to cooking right away.

Kyle jumped up from the table frantically.

"WAIT.. I'll be right back"

Before Cartman could even blink, Kyle darted upstairs and returned with flowers in a vase and two sage green placemats.

He began to set the table, placing the multi-colored array flowers in the center and the sage green placemats on both sides of the table.

"I'll have to remember to put these back on the table in the hallway, but I figured it would be nice to have the table look pretty"

"You know..." Cartman starts as he's flipping a pancake "thank god we have an expert interior designer among us." Cartman lightly teased.

"Hey..I'm a VISIONARY" Kyle said with confidence, a smile spread across his face.

Cartman turned off the stove, transferring the pancakes and eggs onto white and green floral plates he miraculously managed to find.

"I hope your mom doesn't mind I used some of her rasberries to make a homemade rasberry syrup.."

"YOU WHAT- HOW?" Kyle was genuinely surprised.

"Oh I been trying to master the recipe at home myself. It's SOO good, and I noticed you had all the ingredients so I was like man... I gotta share the awesomeness"

Kyle smiled "thank you, I really am grateful for your thoughtfulness"

"It's no problem, I'll save some for your family to try. I'm surprised they're not awake yet!"

At that moment, they heard the floorboards above slowly creak, unmistakably the sound of a groggy Sheila and/or Gerald meandering to the bathroom.

"Oh shit! The placemats and flowers.." Kyle said, worriedly.

"Kahl if anything I'll just tell them I put them there for the ambiance"

Kyle laughed "I think they'll like that"

"PANCAKES?" Ike shouted, flying down the stairs

"Mornin' Ike!" Cartman greeted "You want some pancakes?


Kyle agreed internally.

Cartman put together plates for Kyle and Ike. They sat down together and ate, in disbelief over the flavor of the homemade rasberry syrup. Even Cartman was impressed with himself.

Sheila and Gerald came down the stairs while they were almost done eating.

"Good morning boys! Oh my gawwd what smells so divine?" Sheila inquired. Gerald scratched his head.

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