Chapter 3- Confusion

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   ~Kyle's pov of Saturday~

     On this bright and cheerful spring morning, Kyle woke up to the sound of birds chirping and Ike nagging at him to make breakfast. Ike specifically prefers when Kyle makes him cinnamon french toast, and Kyle is always happy to make his specialty for his little brother.

While Kyle was preparing to cook the french toast, he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He sees that Stan is calling and picks it up.

      "Hey dude, what's up?"

      "Hey dude good morning, I know Cartman said he's busy or whatever, but you still wanna hang out today?"

       "Oh yeah yeah sure dude! I'm about to make breakfast for Ike, you want me to come over to play video games or play catch or somethin?"

       "How bout we go shoot basketball?"

      "Yeah dude sounds good! I can meet you there at.. 11am?"

       "Yeah I'll see you there!"

The call ends, and Kyle's now looking forward to getting out of the house and playing basketball. He sort of wishes Cartman could come. Kyle really has not minded Cartman's presence these past few years. Of course there is some bickering here and there, but Kyle's noticed a change in Cartman. Sometimes, Kyle even catches Cartman staring at him. Kyle's a pretty smart guy, but even he has a difficult time pinpointing what Cartman is thinking.

~flashforward to Kyle walking to go play basketball~

As Kyle's walking, he's thinking about even texting Cartman, just saying "hope you feel better dude." So he texts him. It leaves Kyle with a little fluttery feeling in his chest.

He sees stan walking up to him


      "Hey Kyle!:)"

   They shoot hoops back and forth for about 15 minutes, and then they begin to slow down the pace a bit.

"So what do you think Cartman's up to?" Stan asks Kyle.

"I don't know, but it's not like him to just say he's doing something "kewl" and not be specific. He's an evil genius, he's always specific" Kyle says with confidence.

"Yeah I know, I felt that was off putting too."

There's some silence between them, and then Kyle just says something that's been plaguing his mind

"Hey Stan.. have you noticed any changes in Cartman since we got to high school? Regarding how he treats.. people?"

    "Ohh. You're talking about how he treats you, and how you're not absolutely targeted anymore. Well, me being your best friend, I actually did notice this. I think it's pretty cool. Weird, but cool."

Kyle was grateful he wasn't the only one picking up on the change in Cartman.

   "Ohhh okay good I'm not the only one who noticed. But it's.. nice don't you think? I never thought I would say cartman's presence doesn't make me want to rip out my own hair. Wild huh?"

Stan takes note of Kyle's cheery demeanor when discussing cartman. He could sense the absolute happiness Kyle possesses in this moment.

  "Wow you sure seemed to warm up to Cartman a bit huh!" Stan says

Kyle blushes a bit

  "OhH.. oh I wouldn't say THAT haha... maybe a little.."

Stan tries to analyze his reaction.. something weird is happening here

   "You good, Kyle?"

    "Yep!" Kyle smiles nervously

  ".. are you sure?" Stan asks with genuine curiosity.

Kyle takes a moment to collect himself

  "Y-yes! Yes. Yes I'm all good."

Pretty soon, they part ways because Stan has plans to help his dad with some silly idea of his. Stan leaves feeling like he is missing some information from his best friend, and he doesn't like that feeling.

On the other hand, Kyle is leaving feeling completely confused by why he got so nervous talking about cartman. He did some reflecting.

   "Could it be that.. I really have warmed up to cartman recently? Why does it make me feel all fluttery inside?" He asks himself.

As he is walking home, he sees somebody in the distance.
Nobody other, than Eric Cartman himself

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