Chapter 14- Reassurances

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Kyle and Cartman layed in bed for about another ten minutes. Kyle then realized he had to call his mom to let him know that Cartman would be joining them for dinner that night.

Kyle looked up at Cartman, warm sensations bursting throughout his chest. He really didn't even want to leave this moment.

"Heyyy sleepy, I gotta call my mom and let her know you're coming over tonight, okay?"

The sound of Kyle's gentle voice made Cartman's heart melt. His careful composure in his voice when talking to Cartman was so noticeably different from their usual dialogue.

"Okayy.. your mom.. doesn't hate me or anything right?" Cartman asked, a trickle of anxiety coursing through his veins. Sheila and Cartman have a volatile history, one that he is not proud of. He felt guilt for selfishly longing for forgiveness.

"Well.. she will be surprised to hear that I'm only inviting you over. I've uh.. I've actually talked to her about how you've changed."

Cartman's eyes widened

"Woah woah wait really?"

Recently (within the past year or so) Sheila has toned down her strict nature towards Kyle because he's shown to be a very responsible teenager, and it's actually given them the safe space to share more intricacies of each other's lives. Kyle has talked to his mom about a variety of things, one of them being how impressed he is with Cartman's growth.

"Yeah! I've told her how I'm really amazed and happy about your growth as a person, and how I don't really feel as much anger towards you as I used to"

Hearing the last part made Cartman feel a distressful pang of pain in his chest. He aggressively despised the cretin he used to be. Even though this is good news, the small piece of remembrance caused Cartman to zone out of his moment, mentally entering a danger zone of self hatred and loathing.

"Wowww that's really kewl Kahl" Cartman's tone had a hint of sadness to it, Cartman was not good at masking his true feelings.

Kyle picked up on his shift of tone quickly

"... Cartman? You okay?"

"Oh yeah yeah I'm kewl" he was not convincing.

"Do you feel nervous about coming over?" Kyle was worried about this.

"Oh yeah a little bit.. I just felt a little bit of sadness when you mentioned how much anger you used to have. You had every right, I just hate that I was the cause." Cartman leaned his head downward to hide the tears forming.

Kyle tried to emulate a stern but loving tone. He really wanted to get through to him.

"Listen.... I DO NOT feel this way anymore. We're sixteen now, and I see you for the entire beautiful picture of a human you are."

Kyle grabs Cartman's face and holds it in his hands
"You're one complex bastard that I would never want to distance himself from me because he feels that he is past the point of no return. I'm sure that is somewhat how you feel in this moment. BUT. I am here to tell you, I only wanna spend more time with you now." Kyle touched Cartman's back, affectionately rubbing it.

Cartman took a moment to breathe, attempting to let Kyle's words of reassurance deep into his brain.

Kyle looked into Cartman's eyes, looking for some sort of sign that he is absorbing his words.

Cartman sniffles. "..O-Okay. Y-you're the best, kahl" Cartman slowly hugs him. Kyle softly hugs him back, holding the back of his head in his hand.

"Never really thought of myself as a complex bastard though" Cartman smiles. Relief washes over Kyle.

"That is exactly what you are! You wanna get ready? I'll help you pick an outfit!" Kyle beams, excited to get the opportunity to show his mom the Eric Cartman he's been gushing about.

"I think you're going to have to help me pick an outfit, considering I'm wearing a Scarface tee-shirt"

They both laugh, then Kyle begins to raid Eric's closet.

Kyle paused. "OH SHIT. Gotta call mom. Hold on one sec!"

"No rush" Cartman called out, trying to sound nonchalant. He can't really tell if he's achieved that.

Kyle looked at his phone to see three missed call notifications from his mom. "OH SHIT" Kyle repeats

Kyle immediately dials the number


"Hi ma! I'm at Cartman's house! Is it okay if he comes over for dinner tonight?"

Sheila could sense the joy in his voice; she felt instant relief.

"Kyyuhl we would lauv to have eric ovah for dinnah, but you GOWTA check yoah phone, you heah me?"

"Yes yes of course. I'm sorry ma, we were just having fun!"

"Oh I bet! Ike said he had a lot of fun ice skaytin with you boys!"

"Awww that's great, I'll see ya in about an hour. Is that good?"

"Yes that's fine!"

"Okay bye ma, love you!"

"Lauv you too!"

"Now where were we?" Kyle continues to raid Eric's closet, looking for a nice sweater vest.

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