Chapter 16- The Question

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  The boys made it back to Kyle's front door in one piece surprisingly. Before they enter the house, Cartman turns to face Kyle and grabs his shoulders.

"Kahl.. try not to talk to anybody. Look, I'll do the talking so we can head upstairs quickly, okay? I don't think I drank as much as you and I think they'll be able to tell somethings up with you. Got it?"

"Yyyeeahh" Kyle squints and giggles.

"Oh god" Cartman thought. For once, he was the one holding things down. He didn't mind the role if it meant taking care of his person.

Cartman opens the door slowly, trying to hide Kyle behind him

"Hello boys! How was yoah walk?"

"It was nice, Mrs. Broflovski. The weather's perfect. Oh by the way, since it's late, would you mind if I slept over tonight?"

"Not at all Eric, do you need me to get any pillows or anything?"

"Nah I think me and Kyle will figure it out! Thank you though." It felt good to talk for Kyle, as if he was speaking for a.. dare he he say.. boyfriend. He felt a twinge of excitement while he was speaking.


Oh no. He speaks.

".. Hi Koyle!" Sheila said with a hint of confusion

"He's a bit sleepy, we're gonna head upstairs" Cartman quickly said as relaxed as he possibly could.

"Awright! Goodnight boys!"

"Night!" Cartman said, guiding Kyle up the stairs hurriedly before he had the chance to make a fool out of himself.

Cartman got Kyle in his bedroom and closed the door, letting out a huge breath. "Shit that was close"

"I'm sorry Cartman! I didn't mean to be a bother or anything.... Aahhh I'm just happy you're here."

Cartman couldn't resist the sheer comfort in Kyle's soft spoken voice.

"No no don't worry, I'm happy to cover for you"

"mmmm" is all Kyle could utter. "Come here I wanna cuddle still!" He desperately whined. Thirsty ass.

"Can I borrow some pajamas from you first?"

"OhH yes sorry, of course get comfy first. They're in the top drawer. I'm already comfy since I'm in a t-shirt, I'll probably just take off my pants and chill in my boxers."

Cartman stopped what he was doing for half a second before he decided that he better appear normal after what he just said. That honestly did make him nervous. He didn't expect for things to be so intimate so fast. He also wanted to make sure Kyle felt okay, given that he is not used to being drunk at all.

"Ookay" unavoidable voice crack, god damn it.

"Hehehe your voice cracked. Cutee"


Cartman found a large "The Smiths" band t-shirt and some soft grey shorts to wear to bed.

"Haha you're wearing a smiths shirt and I'm wearing a cure shirt"

"Wait what does that mean?"

Kyle smiles at Cartman's naivety to general music knowledge "it's just funny because both frontman's of both bands talk shit on each other, like both totally do not like each other but their fans are associated with each other because usually if you like the smiths you like the cure as well and vice versus. Yknow.. 80s music drama haha." Cartman was happy he sobered up enough to provide a verbal presentation on the difference between two bands.

"That is kinda funny actually. It would be cool if they were best friends and loved each other's music" Cartman replied.

"Look at you Mr positive! I love it! NOW COME HERE"

Cartman couldn't keep a wide grin from spreading across his face. He hopped into bed and put his arm around Kyle. Kyle snuggled him from the side, actually getting pretty sleepy.

Just then, Kyle's phone started to ring.
"Wha? Who the hell could that be?" Kyle said.

Stan's contact appeared on his phone
"Oh shit it's Stan. Man I haven't been talking to him, I kinda feel bad. Lemme answer."

Kyle answers the phone, nonchalantly.
"Hey man what's up?"

"What's up? Where you BEEN dude? I don't think we've spent this much time not talking in forever, I texted you a few times and was a little nervous because you weren't responding whatsoever."

"Awww dude dude no I'm all good. I'm with Cartman right now" Eric was thoroughly surprised Kyle admitted that. He wasn't sure if Kyle realized how odd that sounded.

"Come again? You're hanging with Cartman?"

"Heyy stann" Cartman said while petting Kyle's hair. Thank god this was a phone call and not Face time.

"Oh shit hey man. What have you guys been up to? I don't think I saw you two hang out ever since you converted people to Judaism in a detention center."

  Kyle and cartman looked at each other, smiling and holding in their laughs as best they could. They couldn't exactly say "Hey Stan, we drank too much wine and roughly made out with each other. Hope your evening is going well!"

Cartman spoke first "Uhhh we ran into each other walking, and I joined him and Ike going to the skating rink! And then we just played video games and hung out for the rest of the day". Cartman locked eyes with Kyle for reassurance. Kyle nodded, meaning it sounded convincing enough.

"Ohh! Cool cool! Well I'll let you guys get back to hanging out. Kyle.. check your damn phone more often so I don't have to worry. Ok bye guys"

"See ya stan" the call ended.

Kyle looked up at Cartman and kissed him a little roughly, taking hold of his arms.

"You're so sweeet" Kyle chimed

"Mmm come here, frisky ass jew"


Cartman chuckled "I'm using your words!"

Cartman gently wrapped his arms around Kyle's back, pulling him more toward his chest. He felt the warmth of his body against his. They rubbed each other, full of affection and tension. They started kissing, intertwining their bodies together. Their kissing got faster, bursting with undying passion.

"I really could.. get used to this, Cartman"

"I want to be able to get used to this.. Kahl?"

"Yes, Cartman?" Kyle had a feeling he knew what was coming.

"Would you.. haha UMM would you want to be my boyfriend?" The words fell out of Cartman's mouth.

"I was hoping you would ask that" Kyle had a huge smile on his face "Yes I would absolutely adore that!"

"Oh my GODDD" Cartman said loudly


"We're dating?"

"We ARE."

Kyle kissed him on the cheek "I'm a little tired, so I'm gonna go to bed. Do you wanna just sleep in my bed with me?"

"No I think I'm gonna go sleep in the farthest corner away from my new boyfriend to be honest."

"SHUT. UP" Kyle said, nudging Cartman hardly

"Hehehe you know I had to"

"You did. Goodnight sweetie." Kyle said gently.

"Goodnight Kahl."

Cartman turned off the lights and wrapped his arm around Kyle. He couldn't believe the whirlwind of this day. Nobody even knew he was gay.. except for butters. "Ohhhhh shit.. this is gonna be interesting." He thought to himself, before drifting off into a calm slumber.

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