I: Rooftop Replay

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"Well, it seems social media has certainly awoken to your presence." Yaoyorozu chuckled as she handed her phone off to Midoriya. The two heroes sat on the edge of a tall skyscraper rooftop, their legs dangling over the edge with a pair of styrofoam cups in between them. Picking up a cup for herself Yaoyorozu sipped a stream of a green apple smoothie through a red straw, smacking her lips and resting the cup on her lap for now. "Though I fear that last hashtag will get you some bad publicity with the women hm-hm."

"You know, sometimes I hate how quick and casual the world is in making assumptions about a guy and a girl that are in close proximity to each other. That's the sort of hastag that has me wondering if Ashido was the first one to use it." Midoriya shook his head as he handed Yaoyorozu's phone back to her, exchanging it for his cup of a sweet mango smoothie. "I'd even bet money on it."

"If she wasn't, that would be the biggest shock of my life so far. Have you told the others about your return? I'm sure some of us would be more than welcome to gather together for a small reunion."

"Erm, about that..."


"I've been gone for two years and, last I heard some of my friends were really mad about me blipping out of their lives so abruptly."

"Ah yes, I remember now. Last I was in contact with Uraraka she drew up a word storm calling you all kinds of lovely terms, idiot was one of her favorites."

"Yeah, I can defnitely hear that kind of storm." Midoriya sighed. "I just feel a little bit guilty you know? Uraraka and Iida were the two closest ones I had at U.A they were the first friends I had at the school, we've been through a lot together then for me to just up and leave them for something made me feel bad."

"Well it's as you say, they're your closest friends." Yaoyorozu iterated. "I'm sure they above everyone else would understand why you decided to travel overseas without any advance notice. It's not as if you slapped and spit them in the face before you traveled to the States, they'll be willing to listen."

"If I see them that is, we'll see."

"Hmph, Uraraka. Ahhhh, I still remember the constant rumors spreading around about you two being much closer than what was seen. Some people even thought you two were secretly dating."

"Hmph, I don't blame them for thinking that way. Uraraka and I were pretty much always seen with each other, wherever one of us was the other didn't seem to be too far behind. Not gonna lie I did have some feelings for her back in first year but, what with all that was going on I couldn't tell if she felt the same about me. Plus there was this whole thing about One For All and All For One and blah blah blah, first year. That year was....I don't think I've ever been so confused in my life before the way I was during our first year."

"It certainly was....unpleasant. The USJ, the attack on the training camp, the first and second battles."

"...I wish Midnight saw me graduate."

"...as do I."

A breeze of chill air wafted against the heroes, Yaoyorozu's ponytail dancing with the tune of the wind as Midoriya's messy tufts brushed against his forehead. Sitting atop from their high elevation brings them flashbacks about how destroyed and ruined this very country was only a short four years ago. These stable business stores and corporate offices? They were toppled over and broken. The ants that were people moving around in the city streets below? A quarter would have been terrified citizens scrambling for the safety of shelters while others would have been trigger happy people thinking they would be the ones to pick up the fight. It was terrifying to think how quickly the way of life could change at a simple decision.

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