VII: Gift of Touch

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"-and that's how I somehow managed to become an overnight pervert because I accidentally groped a woman's boob when I tripped up on my own shoelace."

Yaoyorozu laughed with her head throwing back and a hand covering her mouth, Midoriya sighing as he finished the last remnants of a third soda can of the day. What was once a setting sun afternoon had now turned into star-covered night with a cool wind and gentle breeze, the duo still at this moment on the roof of Uraraka's apartment complex and have not once returned to the party of which they originally came to in the first place. "REALLY now? Oh I can't even imagine the looks of your compatriots after returning to patrol the day after that."

"HEH, oh I'm sure you can." Midoriya chuckled. "Everybody was looking at me like I was a freak and none of the women wanted to come near me thinking I was going to repeat what happened yesterday. Thankfully though I was able to clear up the incident by asking them to pull the CCTV footage from a nearby streetlight to show what really happened, and all the mess went away that same day."

"Well at least it went away quite rapidly, better that it existed for only a short time than to have it ruin your career. Then again, it is your fault for not tying your own shoe properly."

"Yup, double lacing it from now on after that, no excuses. Man we've been up here for a long time haven't we?"

"Indeed, I didn't even notice the time that's passed until I looked up to the sky just now. Seems the saying 'Time goes by fast when you're having fun' is in fact true to it's words."

"So I'm fun huh?"

"Yes, I do enjoy hearing the stories of you embarrassing yourself to the public. They're quite humorous."

"Oh so it's only when I'm making a fool of myself that you find me to be fun I see. Why don't I dress up as a clown next time then if that's what you're interested in."

"Hm-hm, you know what I mean. Your experiences in general."

"Hmph yeah, I know. Well we gotta credit to your ability to make these soda cans after all, without that we would have been traveling to and from the party for more. Hey how did you learn about making these anyway that's something I didn't think you'd be able to do."

"Neither did I. But with strenuous hours of practice and patience I've been able to perfect it, or at least as much as I can given it still takes a little bit of time to make them. Allow me to demonstrate the process." Yaoyorozu sat straight against the generator behind her and cleared her throat while she rolled up the right sleeve of her turtleneck. "First, I begin with the vessel which is the can itself."

From her right forearm the glow of her Quirk shimmered and quickly produced an empty, generic aluminum soda can with the top still closed. There was no label or brand packaging on the can either, it was completely unmarked. "Like so, then, I practice in producing only the beverage which would go into the can. Do you remember back during our first year at the training camp where I made the food out of my cells?"


"It's like that except on a much complicated scale. Soda contains a wide concoction of ingredients and additives including the carbonation of the drink itself, but with the right amount of practice-" Her forearm glowed once more as a splash of brown liquid splattered out to her side against the ground. "-it becomes as simple as breathing. Now the much more complicated process lies in mixing the two together. The hardest part comes in not only producing two different objects at the same time but fitting one object into the other at just the right time, at just the right place, and with just the right amount otherwise risk messing it up or spilling the drink. Hence why the final product comes out much slower than the usual time it takes to create something."

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