22: The Old Horse

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"SORRY, sorry." Yaoyorozu apologized as the front door to her home was opened and she stumbled through with Midoriya hooked around her back, an accidental nudge of her left shoulder bumping against a sensitive spot on his body. "That was not my intention."

"Mistress?" Hurrying down from the flight of stairs leading to the second floor was a maid who held onto the sides of her dress as she quickly descended the steps and made towards the entering couple. "Oh goodness! What happened here shall I alert authorities?"

"No, that will not be necessary. Thank you for your concern but I will be tending to my boyfriend's injuries personally, no need for alarm. Is Mother home?"

"I'm afraid she won't be back until late afternoom tomorrow, her business with the corporation has taken a slight delay."

"I see. Well in any case that plays out well for me, I'd much rather not hassle with the task of introductions right now. We're retreating to my room for the night, I will notify you if we need anything."

"Have a good night." Midoriya happily and sluggishly waved at the maid as he and Yaoyorozu passed through the front atrium towards the flight of stairs, the maid awkwardly smiling back as she too waved at the hero. Clearly, she didn't seem too settled with the sight of a beaten man stumbling inside the mansion without notice or alert, then again it wasn't as if anybody would be. Pressing a palm against the left side of his body Midoriya hobbled up the stairs with Yaoyorozu assisting him. "I've, ow, always wanted to experience what it would be like to have a maid. It seems pretty cool, having others do stuff for you like take care of the house."

"Normally I do not allow the maids in my family to take care of anything for me." Yaoyorozu replied once they made it to the top of the stairs. Turning right she guided her boyfriend down a long corridor where grand paintings hung from velvet red colored walls. "But for tonight, seeing as how I will have my hands full in taking care of you, it seems I might require their service. Maybe."

"Sorry if I'm ruining your night Momo, you could always turn me away if you'd like."

Yaoyorozu smiled. "Forgive me my love, it was not my intention to make it sound as if you are a burden to me. Speaking truthfully it does pain me to see your decisions have resulted in this injured state of yours but, I can take pleasure in knowing you'd want me to look after your injuries instead of anybody else. Allows me to keep a closer eye on you tonight. My room is not much further from here."

"Geez, is this a mansion or a palace for royalty?" Midoriya asked as he looked at the paintings the two of them passed by. Their quality was remarkable and so pristine, the painting of a sitting lion so detailed he felt as if he could reach right through and pet the mane. "Really making my everyday life feel so tiny and shriveled."

"Well, it was used to be an emissary building for diplomats many years ago but some time further up the lineage of my father's side the building was acquired in their hands and has since been passed down in the family. How they managed to acquire it is unknown even to my father, though I wouldn't be surprised were it obtained through under the table slips. Here, these are my quarters."

Approaching on the left hand side of the corridor was a large red oak colored door with a golden doorknob, the coupl3 shambling over with Yaoyorozu reaching and turning the knob. Pushing the door open it was Midoriya who used an arm to fully push away the door as he was guided inside the woman's personal room, his eyes opening as wide as they could with lower jaw practically crashing through the floor. "Guh!"

If there was anything relating to the word 'royalty' that he can use to describe the room he was looking at, he would. The room was grand FAR more grand than anything he was expecting even for something such as a mansion. The ceiling for Yaoyorozu's room was at least three stories high, a chandelier hanging from above with perfect diamond shards. The bed at the furthest side of the room was too large for just one person, more so fitted to fit an entire family without issue than just a person. Deep red and white silk covers draped off the sides of the bed like tapestries, book shelves upon book shelves lining each side of the walls like files of royal guards. In between a space of book shelves on the left side of the room was a work bench while on the other side side of the room also in between a space of shelves was a desk, large dressers as tall as All Might pushed against the walls closest to the entrance.

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