15: Mistake Of A Man

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"Breaaaak tiiiiiime!" Foreman Matsumoto yelled through a megaphone, swiveling from left to right so that his voice may be heard over the sound of heavy construction machinery. "Break time fellas one hour break time!" 

"Phew! About time." A construction worker said as he instantly put down a handsaw on a work table and removed his hardhat, joining the stream of other workers that exited from the frame of a house to head for their lunch kits. Joining the worker at his side was another who took the safety glasses of his eyes and moved them up to the bill of his hardhat. "Any second longer of working my ass off and I would have turned into a puddle."

"No kidding, but thank god Creati lets us take multiple of these hour long breaks cause anywhere else would have made us continue working for less." The second construction worker looked around at the others but could not find what he was looking for. Or rather who he was looking for. "Hey, know what I noticed recently?"


"Deku, you know ever since the incident happened last week I haven't seen his face around here anymore. Heck I haven't even seen him in public anymore which is a shame cause my daughter really wants an autograph from him. Wonder what happened to the kid."

"Pfft, who cares? He's a nut job, being head deep in the shit since his first year in high school was obviously going to cause several screws in that brain of his to loosen and make him tweak. We just didn't know how badly the tweaking got until last week happened. Sucks but, oh well. Life moves on he gets left behind."

"Hmm. Yeah."

From the bed of a pick-up truck Foreman Matsumoto watched the herd of construction workers all return to their vehicles for their lunch kits, unaware of the golf cart that turned onto the street behind him and park itself across the road. Hopping out of the driver's side and crossing the street came Creati who called out to the foreman with one hand carrying a walkie-talkie and another cupping a side of her mouth to amplify her voice. "FOREMAN MATSUMOTO!" 

The sound of his name caused the foreman to turn and spot the woman, hopping off the flat-bed of the pick-up and bounding over to meet her halfway. Approaching her he removed his hardhat from his head and kept it close to his stomach. "Creati, nice to see you today."

"As it is to see you, Foreman." The woman greeted. "I just came by to see how everything was doing over here such as issues or anything that stands out of the ordinary."

"Well the only thing to report here is the good progress everybody's been making in getting these homes done. We're done with the framework of the houses so now we're focusing our attention on setting up the plumbing and electrical framework. At the rate everybody's been working at we should have these houses down in four maybe even three in a half weeks if the weather doesn't decide to throw a wrench in our way."

"Excellent, that is great news to hear from your teams. Those that are at Construction Site C are about to complete their plot of houses within the next few days so once they have finished here I'll relocate them here to help out with your crew. Hopefully we can cut down on the build time and begin with the new set before the end of this month."

"Hey more hands more progress, I don't have anything to say against that. But if you don't mind me asking, are you, holding up okay?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well ever since the incident with Deku and the house fire you seem erm....tense." Foreman Matsumoto stated. "I ain't saying that you look pissed or anything like that but, there's just something that's different you know? And with the recent news about Deku not being able to work as a hero anymore because of what happened, thought it may have bothered you a lot since you always used to talk about him so highly so much. Just wondering if you're holding up alright."

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