14: Liquid Solace

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"-as we take a moment to reflect on the recent events that have occurred within this month. Five days ago in the ever flourishing community that is Future's Preserve a fire had broken out on site where pro heroes Creati and newly returned Deku responded to the event. Eyewitness consisting of construction workers retold the event stating that Deku ran into the building alone to search for survivors only to then come back out alone and seemingly unscathed-"

"-I mean it was just so weird cause I was one of the workers who was there when it happened and I know for a fact that after the explosion happened? Nobody was in that house it was a clear house an empty house he ran in to check for himself and he came out the back by himself. And, he just had this look on his face that was honestly pretty terrifying to look at-"

"-just looked like he had seen, um, a person or an animal burn right in front of his eyes but I dunno what he could have seen since there was nobody in that house besides him."

"It's weird too cause this is the same kid that stopped everything back in his first year and everybody thought he was going to be bigger than All Might this sort of godly type of hero that isn't afraid of anything? But what I saw that day? I dunno just, he didn't really seem like the kid that he was back then who was in the middle of everything he just seemed...pathetic."

"-this happened in the middle of a questioning time too as recent reports show that Deku attempted to regain his Japanese National license after his stunt over in the United States but was apparently DENIED, that license. Sources say that the hero was denied an official license because of something regarding a psychological traumatic experience-"

"-which is why I say that we DON'T NEED HIM! You take a look at this kid and what do you see? A KID! He's just a kid he's always been that same kid from years ago who's now weak in the head because of the grinder that he's been through and if I were to be out in public and run into a circumstance where I need saving and THIS GUY comes along? I'm screwed! I'm done for! Oh there he goes having another traumatic episode and because of that I'm dead. Let these wackjob kids stay where they need to stay which is on the sidelines! People like him-"

"-I feel, like, maybe the public needs to understand and realize that maybe the heroes we thought were stable and cool may not be so stable after all and we need to bring it up to the government's attention. Our safety lies in the hands of these guys and if that safety's compromised? That could be death of us."

"-been revealed to us that at the time Deku applied for an official hero's license under Japanese regulation there has been a documentation of a Hero's Leave during his time under United States regulation. When we contacted the office responsible for placing Deku under Hero's Leave they admitted that the hero suffered mental and psychological trauma due to an event out in California of a house fire call. Since the event Deku has been witnessed to having episodes of traumatic stress when interacting or being around the presence of flammable substances and therefore was placed on Leave to relieve stress from his person.

As a Representative for the Reformed Safety Commission it is my duty to ensure that any and all heroes who apply for an official hero's license are able to perform their duties without any shackles to their feet or mind. The safety of every citizen under their watch is PARAMOUNT and therefore any compromise to their ability to protect those citizens is a compromise that is taken seriously no matter how small. While Deku's reputation in Japan is widely known for what he's done years ago, we are not in the time of years ago. We are in the time of now, moving towards the time of the future. Thus reaching a conclusion.

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