Epilogue: Love's Creation

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(Three Years Later)

1:32 AM


The door to an apartment penthouse quietly clicked and creaked open, a figure illuminated by the light of the outside hallway shifting their way inside without trying to cause any noise. Once inside the figure slowly and gently closed the door as quietly as they could, ensuring to manually turn the latch themselves for less of a presence. The figure remained motionless, and listened.


Not a single sound coming from anywhere in the penthouse, nothing outside of the faint whooshing of the air conditioning system. Excellent. With gentle tip toe movements the figure eased their way to the nearby kitchen area where a door leading into a large pantry was already ajar thankfully, a simple tap was all needed to push the door open. Immediately on the floor was a package of water bottles that the figure squatted over and stuck their hand inside a ripped hole over the package, the plastic packaging crinkling with every movement in their attempt to free one of the bottles.



The figure stopped, and they listened.



Successfully freeing a water bottle from the plastic prison the figure stood back up and shut the door until it was slightly ajar, twisting the cap off the bottle and throwing their head back for a large swig. Whilst spinning around to face the other direction their eyes shifted onto something within the dark, an object laying over the middle of the kitchen counter that was impossible to look over without stopping for it. There, sitting in the dark like a beacon of hope was a small plate of freshly made brownies with a plastic lid over it to preserve their chocolatey goodness, the figure's eyes widening like they were in love with taste buds salivating at the thought of that plate being in their belly.


Creeping over to the counter the figure placed the bottle of water down and carefully lifted the plastic lid over the plate of brownies, using their free hand to reach inside and-


A light switch was flicked upwards to illuminate and expose the entirety of the kitchen and penthouse entry.


And a woman's voice cleared their throat to allow the sneaky figure in knowing that they aren't obscured by the darkness any longer. Busted.

"Well well, well." The woman's voice said as the sneaking newcomer grimaced at the heavy weight of a gaze pressing down on their back. The lid to the plate of brownies was placed back down as soft footsteps approached the figure from behind and came to a halt on their right, having to turn and face the judgment that is their significant other. Standing with arms cross and hips jutted to her right was Yaoyorozu in a soft coffee brown turtleneck and black leggings, a glare not of anger but of disappointment well expressed on her face. "I'm very glad to see that you decided to remember you had a home to come back, Izuku."

"Heh, h-heyyyyy, M-Momo." Midoriya nervously greeted, a black long sleeve and jeans slightly splotched from particles of some form of liquid. "I'm back heh, yayyyy."

The woman squinted before leaning forward and sniffing the air between them, disgust scrunching her face before she immediately leaned away. "Ugh, goodness. You reek heavily of the stench of beer how much did you drink?"

"I didn't drink, well, I didn't drink much I only had one glass I promise. It's just that heh, things kinda got a little bit crazy once Kirishima and Kaminari started getting rowdy. One second everything was cool then the next everybody started cheering and, then there was beer flying all over the place. You should have been there."

"Ah yes so I could remind you that you were to return home at midnight instead of 1:30 in the morning? I'm glad to see you remembered."

"Hey sorry, I didn't mean to come home this late Momo really." Midoriya said as he took the woman by her waist and brought her close, Yaoyorozu huffing and looking away. "It was a lotta fun going on and well you know what they say, time passes when you're having a lot of fun. Sorry if I made you worry about me, I'll make it up to you I promise."

Yaoyorozu sighed. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't be too concerned. It is the first time in a long time that you've enjoyed company with our peers so, I shouldn't complain."

"Sucks you weren't able to come with us, you feeling better from that sickness?"

"Not a lot but, I can manage to move around a bit more, just need to get proper rest for it to go away. Rest that I would have acquired more of had you come home at midnight so that we can discuss what I've been wanting to reveal to you. Last night, I took a te-"

"Can I have a brownie?"

"Hm? Oh, yes of course, ONE however. Your punishment for arriving so late."

"Yes!" Turning around to the kitchen counter Midoriya removed the top off the plate of brownies and took one for himself, placing the lid back and turning to his love. Teeth cutting through the soft mixture of fudge goodness a sigh hummed in his chest with a smile brightening his face. "Man, you are the best, you know that?"

Yaoyorozu chuckled. "Yes I know my love, I know. Because were it not for the thousand other times you've told me that I think I may have figured it out another way. Now, onto what I was wanting to share with you, I took a te-"

"Wait, lemme take a shower real quick. I don't want you to telling me any sort of surprise while I stink like this."

"W-Wait." Before she could say anything else Yaoyorozu was pulled inwards for a loving kiss to be planted square over the skin of her right cheek, Midoriya waltzing away towards their bedroom with water bottle and brownie. "Izuku I think the sooner you hear about this the better-"

"I'll be fine, it's just a five minute shower is all." Midoriya said. "Five minutes, okay? Then you can tell all there is to know about what you wanna tell me."


"I love you! Five minutes!"

The woman watched her significant other disappear into their bedroom before she sighed and leaned against the counter behind her, her right hand coming up to massage the temples of her forehead. He drove her to insanity, and she believed he knew this full well considering he continued to act the way that he did. But in the end, she couldn't deny it, her love for that man was so deeply ingrained that she couldn't help but be happy knowing she was the one he acted this way with and nobody else. There was no other lover in his life aside from her, and she was joyful about that. A five minute shower shouldn't do her much harm for a reveal.

Well, she should say, it shouldn't do them much harm, her hands going down to her belly where she softly rubbed over the fabric with a smile on her face. "I suppose waiting for another five minutes to tell him about you isn't going to kill us, is it? You wonderful little creation of ours."

The End

Of this dogshit ass story thankfully.

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