24: Caress Of Touch

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"-24, 25, 26, 27, phew...28, 29, 30, 31..."

"Mm-mmmm..." Humming out of her nightly beauty sleep was Yaoyorozu who barely opened her eyes halfway before they fell shut from heaviness, her arms and legs spreading out to her sides like a starfish as she yawned a great yawn. Her limbs popped and snapped as she flopped right cheek first into the smooth of her pillow, her hair tangling itself everywhere and anywhere that it can be tangled in. The desire for sleep called to her and were it not for the quiet sound of counting coming from behind her she would easily drift off into the realm of sleep again. But the counting, what is that exactly?

Again her eyes opened halfway, squinting when seeing that the space of her bed was occupied by her and only her. That's not what she remembered last night. Her attention finally snapped to the sound of counting as she sluggishly rolled over onto her left to look off the edge of her bed and see a man currently firing through repetitions of push-ups, his shirt discarded to reveal the tracks of muscular back and build. Well now.

"-47, 48, 49, 50. Phew!" Dropping onto his knees and sitting back on his butt Midoriya wiped a forearm over his forehead as he took deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. A smile graced his face when he felt the rejuvenation of rest coursing through his veins and bones, he could feel it in the very fibers of his muscles. "A lot easier when I actually get a proper night's worth of rest."

"I'll say." Nana commented. "You've been sleeping like a baby ever since you've been staying over at Yaoyorozu's, that's good though. About time you got some good sleep."

'Yeah you're telling me, I feel great! Two nights in a row now that I haven't woken up from any sort of nightmares, I feel like I have enough energy to power a whole city. But, it is kinda weird though, I don't remember exactly what it is I've dreamt about these past two nights. They seemed to have escaped me.'

"Does it matter?"

'Guess not. Oof, I'm kinda hungry now that I think about it.'

"Hm-hm, well if you're thinking about breakfast it might just be for one. Seems like you already managed to serve breakfast for somebody else this morning."

Midoriya hummed with an eyebrow raising in question until he received the odd sensation of a gaze noticed by the bizarre sixth sense, it was like a finger gently traveling up and down his the path of his spine. Turning over his right shoulder he spotted Yaoyorozu staring at him while she rested her head on a pair of forearms, a smile evident enough that she was by every means enjoying what she was seeing. "Oh shoot Momo, sorry about that. Did I bother you from your sleep?"

"Oh I wouldn't know about the term bothering me." Yaoyorozu chuckled. "If anything I'd say don't allow me to prevent you from doing what you're doing, I certainly don't mind."

Midoriya shifted onto his knees and shuffled over to the edge of the bed where Yaoyorozu lay her head near, the woman tiredly beaming as she watched him shimmy closer and closer to her. Coming up to the side of her bed the man rested against the edge of it with his own forearms as he leaned down to where Yaoyorozu's head was and met her for a morning kiss, a hand coming up to hold the left side of his neck during the exchange. The kiss was nothing short of three heartbeats before they broke away, the woman's thumb brushing over the skin of his neck while he remained close to her. "Good morning my love."

"Good morning Momo." Midoriya smiled. "Thanks again for letting me stay another night here, I've been sleeping good, REALLY good actually. I haven't woken up randomly or gotten any sort of nightmares."

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